衰老是人体生命进程的必然结果。在中医理论中以五脏为核心,追求气血充盈、形神俱佳,以实现机体的健康和谐状态。中医药的美容理念注重“以内养外”的原则,明确指出人的肌肤状态与内在脏腑功能的紧密关联。若脏腑出现病变、气血失和,则会导致肌肤粗糙、色泽萎黄及皮肤松弛,甚至产生黄褐斑、色素沉着等现象。因此,中医的美容方剂亦遵循调和气血、调理五脏的原则,在中医整体观念和辨证施治的原则指导下应用,从而取得显著的抗衰效果。Aging is an inevitable result of the life process of the human body. In the theory of Chinese medicine, the five organs serve as the core, with the pursuit of abundant qi and blood, as well as optimal physical and mental well-being, in order to achieve a healthy and harmonious state of the body. The beauty concept of Chinese medicine focuses on the principle of “internal nourishment”, which clearly points out that the state of human skin is closely related to the function of internal organs. If the internal organs are diseased and the qi and blood are out of harmony, it will lead to roughness of the skin, yellowish colour and skin laxity, and even chloasma and pigmentation, etc. Therefore, the cosmetic formulas of TCM are also used in the treatment of skin care. Therefore, the beauty prescriptions of Chinese medicine also follow the principle of regulating qi and blood, regulating the five viscera, and are applied under the guidance of the overall concept of Chinese medicine and the principle of identification and treatment, thus achieving significant anti-aging effects.