【目的】厘清中国三室短柄泥蜂属(Psen Latreille)的种类和分布情况。【方法】利用传统形态分类学原理与方法,在显微镜下进行标本检视,同时根据相关文献资料进行标本鉴定及整理。【结果】系统研究并整理了中国三室短柄泥蜂属24种5亚种,其中包括4个中国新记录种:安汶岛三室短柄泥蜂(P.amboinensis van Lith)、褐脉三室短柄泥蜂(P.fuscinervis Cameron)、暗三室短柄泥蜂(P.opacus van Lith)和西姆拉三室短柄泥蜂(P.simlensis van Lith)。编制中国三室短柄泥蜂属已知种类检索表,对4个中国新记录种进行了描述,并提供了种类特征图。【结论】研究结果补充完善了中国三室短柄泥蜂属的种类及分布,为其分类研究提供参考,具有重要的理论意义。
The subfamily Dinetinae W. Fox, genus Dinetus Panzer and species Dinetus arenarius Kazenas are reported from China for the first time. In addition, a key to the worldwide species of the genus Dinetus is provided. The examined specimens are deposited in the Insect Collections of Yunnan Agricultural University(YNAU), Kunming, Yunnan Province, China.
A new species, Cerceris abdominiglabra sp. nov., from Guangxi, China, is described. One species is reported from China for the first time: C. odontophora Schletterer. A key to the species of the Cerceris bupresticida group from China is provided. The type specimen of the new species is deposited in the Insect Collections of Zhejiang University.