抓好烟叶收购等级质量,是提升烟叶原料工业可用性和市场竞争力的有效措施。本文分析了信丰县烟叶收购等级质量中存在的问题及原因,提出了提升烟叶收购等级质量的具体措施,并从均质化生产、专业化烘烤、初分预检前置、优化专分散收模式、整合收购站点等方面进行落实,烟叶收购等级质量有了明显提升。To grasp the grade quality of tobacco purchase is an effective measure to improve the industrial availability of tobacco raw materials and market competitiveness. The paper analyzes the problems and reasons for the grade quality of tobacco purchase in Xinfeng County, proposing specific measures to improve the grad equality of tobacco purchase. The grad equality of tobacco purchase has been significantly improved by homogenized production, specialized curing, front-loaded initiatory preflight system, optimizing the model of specialized grading and loose-leaf purchasing and integrating of acquisition sites.