通过对老年人网络购物意愿影响因素的研究,提升老年人的网络购物意愿和数字素养,为老年人积极有效参与网络购物,融入数字社会提供有益借鉴。本研究以感知价值理论和技术接受模型为理论基础,构建老年人网络购物行为意愿影响因素模型;使用模糊集定性分析法(fsQCA)来探讨影响因素的组态路径;通过问卷调研和fsQCA3.0软件进行数据收集与分析。研究发现感知易用性、感知有用性、成本价值、社会价值、情感价值是影响老年人网络购物意愿的重要因素,并相互联动产生三条组态路径。最后根据所得组态路径的机理分析,提出提升老年人网络购物意愿,助力老年人跨越数字鸿沟的建议。Through the research on the influencing factors of the elderly’s online shopping willingness, the elderly’s online shopping willingness and digital literacy are improved, which provides a useful reference for the elderly to actively and effectively participate in online shopping and integrate into the digital society. Based on the theory of perceived value and technology acceptance model, this study constructs a model of influencing factors of online shopping behavior intention of the elderly. Fuzzy set qualitative analysis (fsQCA) is used to explore the configuration path of influencing factors. Data collection and analysis were conducted through questionnaire survey and fsQCA3.0 software. The study finds that perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, cost value, social value and emotional value are important factors affecting the online shopping willingness of the elderly, and they interact with each other to generate three configuration paths. Finally, according to the mechanism analysis of the obtained configuration path, some suggestions are put forward to enhance the online shopping willingness of the elderly and help the elderly cross the digital divide.