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一种前后台结合的Pipelined ADC校准技术
针对Pipelined模数转换器(ADC)中采样电容失配和运放增益误差带来的非线性问题,提出了一种前后台结合的Pipelined ADC校准技术。前台校准技术通过对ADC量化结果的余量分析,补偿相应流水级的量化结果,后台校准技术基于伪随机(PN)注入的方式,利用PN的统计特性校准增益误差。本校准技术在系统级建模和RTL级电路设计的基础上,实现了现场可编程门阵列(FPGA)验证并成功流片。测试结果显示,在1 GS/s采样速率下,校准精度为14 bit的Pipelined ADC的有效位数从9.30 bit提高到9.99 bit,信噪比提高约4 dB,无杂散动态范围提高9.5 dB,积分非线性(INL)降低约10 LSB。
为了有效地解决当前频谱资源稀缺的问题,同时满足未来对大规模的无线接入和高速率的急剧需求,本文提出了低分辨率模数转换(analog-to-digital converters, ADCs)/数模转换(digital-to-analog converters, ADCs)和低质量射频(radio frequency, RF)链技术辅助的终端直连(device-to-device, D2D)协助去蜂窝大规模多入多出(multiple-input multiple-output, MIMO)系统,通过D2D分担数据传输压力,低分辨率ADCs/DACs和低质量RF链技术可用于减少硬件开销,从而提升系统传输速率与能量效率。研究发现增加接入点(access points, APs) APs数量、AP天线数量和D2D用户(D2D user, DUE)天线数量可以有效地提升系统的总速率,当比特数等于16或质量因子等于1时,系统总速率和总能量效率达到最优。此外,增加DUEs密度可以极大地提升系统的性能。研究结果为未来去蜂窝大规模MIMO的实际部署提供了参考方案。
Unlocking the potential of bispecific ADCs for targeted cancer therapy被引量:1
Antibody–drug conjugates(ADCs)are biologically targeted drugs composed of antibodies and cytotoxic drugs connected by linkers.These innovative compounds enable precise drug delivery to tumor cells,minimizing harm to normal tissues and offering excellent prospects for cancer treatment.However,monoclonal antibody-based ADCs still present challenges,especially in terms of balancing efficacy and safety.Bispecific antibodies are alternatives to monoclonal antibodies and exhibit superior internalization and selectivity,producing ADCs with increased safety and therapeutic efficacy.In this review,we present available evidence and future prospects regarding the use of bispecific ADCs for cancer treatment,including a comprehensive overview of bispecific ADCs that are currently in clinical trials.We offer insights into the future development of bispecific ADCs to provide novel strategies for cancer treatment.
Hongye ZengWenjing NingXue LiuWenxin LuoNingshao Xia
A 128×128 SPAD LiDAR sensor with column-parallel 25 ps resolution TA-ADCs被引量:1
This paper presents a design of single photon avalanche diode(SPAD)light detection and ranging(LiDAR)sensor with 128×128 pixels and 128 column-parallel time-to-analog-merged-analog-to-digital converts(TA-ADCs).Unlike the conventional TAC-based SPAD LiDAR sensor,in which the TAC and ADC are separately implemented,we propose to merge the TAC and ADC by sharing their capacitors,thus avoiding the analog readout noise of TAC’s output buffer,improving the conversion rate,and reducing chip area.The reverse start-stop logic is employed to reduce the power of the TA-ADC.Fabricated in a 180 nm CMOS process,our prototype sensor exhibits a timing resolution of 25 ps,a DNL of+0.30/−0.77 LSB,an INL of+1.41/−2.20 LSB,and a total power consumption of 190 mW.A flash LiDAR system based on this sensor demonstrates the function of 2D/3D imaging with 128×128 resolution,25 kHz inter-frame rate,and sub-centimeter ranging precision.
Na TianZhe WangKai MaXu YangNan QiJian LiuNanjian WuRunjiang DouLiyuan Liu
无小区大规模多输入多输出(cell-free massive multiple-input multiple-output,CF-mMIMO)系统的覆盖区域内随机部署了大量分布式接入点(access points,APs)在同一时间频率资源中服务所有的用户,可显著提升系统通信容量,是6G网络中最具潜力的使能技术之一。然而,大量AP处配备高精度模数转换器(analog-to-digital converters,ADCs)导致的高功耗与硬件成本,限制了CF-mMIMO系统的实际部署。为了有效地降低硬件成本,本文研究了低精度ADCs下CF-mMIMO系统的上行链路频谱效率(spectral efficiency,SE)。在不完美的信道估计下,利用加性量化噪声(additive quantization noise model,AQNM)模型和最大比合并(maximal ratio combining,MRC)接收机滤波器,推导了CF-mMIMO系统中用户上行可达速率的闭式表达式,并基于该表达式分析了AP数量、用户传输功率以及ADCs精度等系统参数对SE的影响。为了最大化CF-mMIMO系统的SE,提出了一种低精度ADCs下贪婪导频分配算法抑制导频污染。将导频分配建模为最大-最小导频优化问题,通过迭代更新速率最小用户的导频序列,使其所受导频污染的影响最小,从而最大化该用户的可达速率。最后,将配备低精度ADC的CFmMIMO系统与传统完美精度ADC系统进行性能比较。数值仿真结果表明,系统配备5位低精度ADCs时的SE逼近完美精度ADCs,增加AP端天线数可以弥补低精度ADCs导致的性能退化。此外,所提算法不仅有效抑制了导频污染,还缩小了用户之间的速率差距,提升了系统的95%用户SE。
Emerging non-antibody‒drug conjugates (non-ADCs) therapeutics of toxins for cancer treatment
The non-selective cytotoxicity of toxins limits the clinical relevance of the toxins.In recent years,toxins have been widely used as warheads for antibody-drug conjugates(ADCs)due to their eff-cient killing activity against various cancer cells.Although ADCs confer certain targeting properties to the toxins,low drug loading capacity,possible immunogenicity,and other drawbacks also limit the po-tential application of ADCs.Recently,non-ADC delivery strategies for toxins have been extensively investigated.To further understand the application of toxins in anti-tumor,this paper provided an over-view of prodrugs,nanodrug delivery systems,and biomimetic drug delivery systems.In addition,toxins and their combination strategies with other therapies were discussed.Finally,the prospect and challenge of toxins in cancertreatmentwerealso summarized.
Xiaolan XuJiaming ZhangTao WangJing LiYukang RongYanfang WangChenxia BaiQing YanXiaohua RanYingli WangTianhong ZhangJin SunQikun Jiang
The ABC of ADCs (Antibody-Drug Conjugates): A Comprehensive Review of Technical, Regulatory, and Clinical Challenges
Over the past several decades, there has been a significant surge in the development of Antibody-Drug Conjugates (ADCs). Designing an ideal ADC presents a multifaceted challenge, requiring the precise orchestration of various elements such as antigens, antibodies, linkers, and payloads. While ADCs aim to target tumor cells specifically, several antigens can also be found in regular tissues, potentially compromising the specificity of ADCs in therapeutic applications. The complexity extends to antibody selection, necessitating effective targeting of the desired antigen and ensuring compatibility with linkers for effective payload delivery. Additionally, the linker and payload combination are critical for the ADC’s therapeutic efficiency, balancing stability in circulation and timely payload release upon target binding. ADC doses must be safe for normal tissues while ensuring the released payloads are effective. The success of ADCs is attributed to their unmatched efficacy compared to traditional chemotherapy agents. The current research article aims to provide a technical review of Antibody-Drug Conjugates (ADCs) for cancer therapies. A brief discussion on the basics of ADCs, regulatory approach, overview, and technical complexities for quantification is presented. This review also summarizes recently approved ADCs and introduces the concepts of antibodies, linkers, and payloads. The article also outlines cancer-specific ADCs currently in late-stage clinical trials for cancer treatment.
Kishore Kumar Hotha
Antibody-Drug Conjugates (ADCs): Navigating Four Pillars of Safety, Development, Supply Chain and Manufacturing Excellence
Antibody-drug conjugates (ADCs) are pioneering biologics that merge antibodies’ specificity with small molecules’ potency. With a handful of FDA-approved ADCs in the market and many under development, ADCs are poised to revolutionize therapeutics. This paper examines the complexities of ADC production, emphasizing the importance of process characterization and the pivotal role of supply chain characteristics, safety requirements, and Contract Manufacturing Organizations (CMOs) with proficiency. The swift transition of antibody-drug conjugate (ADC) programs from early to advanced clinical stages underscores the urgency for quick and efficient commercial launch preparation. This article delves into strategies to hasten commercial readiness, supply chain strategy, the significance of partnering with adept contract development and manufacturing organizations (CDMOs), and the challenges of ADC production.
Kishore Kumar Hotha


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