In the context of our nation’s historicmission of the Four Modernizations, one ofour cruciai polictes is "to learn from thestrong points of all nations and all coun-tries". In the world context, increased in-ternational exchanges in science, politics,
Logging data and its interpretation results are one of the most important basic data for understanding reservoirs and oilfield development. Standardized and unified logging interpretation results play a decisive role in fine reservoir description and reservoir development. Aiming at the problem of the conflict between the development effect and the initial interpretation result of Yan 9 reservoir in Hujianshan area of Ordos Basin, by combining the current well production performance, logging, oil test, production test and other data, on the basis of making full use of core, coring, logging, thin section analysis and high pressure mercury injection data, the four characteristics of reservoir are analyzed, a more scientific and reasonable calculation model of reservoir logging parameters is established, and the reserves are recalculated after the second interpretation standard of logging is determined. The research improves the accuracy of logging interpretation and provides an effective basis for subsequent production development and potential horizons.