传统频率步进(Stepped frequency,SF)测量体制通过一组等间隔的离散点频信号合成大测量带宽。由于采样定理的限制,固定频率间隔数据所对应的时域信号将会呈周期出现,此时场地内的背景、多径干扰都有可能混叠至目标区域内,进而对成像和散射测量造成恶劣影响。围绕频率步进体制快速测量方法进行了探索,提出了一种基于非均匀采样的近场散射测量技术。分析了距离混叠效应对散射测量的影响,根据实际应用需求设计了采样函数的优化原则,通过泊松和公式与驻定相位原理(Principle of stationary phase,POSP)对信号包络进行赋形。针对传统非均匀采样重构方法所造成的散射图像退化问题,提出了一种与非均匀采样策略相适配的加权方法,在有效抑制混叠干扰的同时实现了高分辨率成像,并提升了近远场变换(Near Field to Far Field,NF-FF)的精度。
Photon tunneling effects give rise to surface waves,amplifying radiative heat transfer in the near-field regime.Recent research has highlighted that the introduction of nanopores into materials creates additional pathways for heat transfer,leading to a substantial enhancement of near-field radiative heat transfer(NFRHT).Being a direct bandgap semiconductor,GaN has high thermal conductivity and stable resistance at high temperatures,and holds significant potential for applications in optoelectronic devices.Indeed,study of NFRHT between nanoporous GaN films is currently lacking,hence the physical mechanism for adding nanopores to GaN films remains to be discussed in the field of NFRHT.In this work,we delve into the NFRHT of GaN nanoporous films in terms of gap distance,GaN film thickness and the vacuum filling ratio.The results demonstrate a 27.2%increase in heat flux for a 10 nm gap when the nanoporous filling ratio is 0.5.Moreover,the spectral heat flux exhibits redshift with increase in the vacuum filling ratio.To be more precise,the peak of spectral heat flux moves fromω=1.31×10^(14)rad·s^(-1)toω=1.23×10^(14)rad·s^(-1)when the vacuum filling ratio changes from f=0.1 to f=0.5;this can be attributed to the excitation of surface phonon polaritons.The introduction of graphene into these configurations can highly enhance the NFRHT,and the spectral heat flux exhibits a blueshift with increase in the vacuum filling ratio,which can be explained by the excitation of surface plasmon polaritons.These findings offer theoretical insights that can guide the extensive utilization of porous structures in thermal control,management and thermal modulation.
In order to solve the problem that the performance of traditional localization methods for mixed near-field sources(NFSs)and far-field sources(FFSs)degrades under impulsive noise,a robust and novel localization method is proposed.After eliminating the impacts of impulsive noise by the weighted out-lier filter,the direction of arrivals(DOAs)of FFSs can be estimated by multiple signal classification(MUSIC)spectral peaks search.Based on the DOAs information of FFSs,the separation of mixed sources can be performed.Finally,the estimation of localizing parameters of NFSs can avoid two-dimension spectral peaks search by decomposing steering vectors.The Cramer-Rao bounds(CRB)for the unbiased estimations of DOA and range under impulsive noise have been drawn.Simulation experiments verify that the proposed method has advantages in probability of successful estimation(PSE)and root mean square error(RMSE)compared with existing localization methods.It can be concluded that the proposed method is effective and reliable in the environment with low generalized signal to noise ratio(GSNR),few snapshots,and strong impulse.
The Bessel beam,characterized by its unique non-diffracting properties,holds promising applications.In this paper,we provide a detailed introduction and investigation into the theory and research of the Bessel beam,with a special focus on its generation and applications in the near-field region.We provide an introduction to the concepts,properties,and foundational theories of the Bessel beam.Additionally,the current study on generating Bessel beams and their applications is categorized and discussed,and potential research challenges are proposed in this paper.This review serves as a solid foundation for researchers to understand the concept of the Bessel beam and explore its potential applications.