In order to increase the productivity of the local cavies as a meat animal, a study was carried out between November 2021 and March 2022 at the Research and Experimental Farm, Animal Nutrition and Production Research Unit of the Faculty of Agronomy and Agricultural Sciences (FAAS) and the Microbiology and Anti-Microbial Research Unite of the University of Dschang on 72 cavies aged between 4 and 5 months and weighing an average of 450 ± 50 g produced on the farm, including 60 females and 12 males. The females were distributed according to a completely randomized factorial design in twelve (12) rearing boxes numbered G1 to G12, with 15 females per group distributed in 03 boxes and receiving iso-nitrogenated experimental diet (18% protein) R0 enriched with 20% of Stylosanthes guianensis (0% garlic powder), R0.25 (0.25% garlic powder), R0.50 (0.50% garlic powder) and R0.75 (0.75% garlic powder). Females were identified by numbered ear tags and mated with a sex ratio of 5 females for 1 male. Drinking water enriched with vitamin C (01 tablet of 240 mg in 1.5 liters of water) was served ad libitum and renewed daily. The males were removed after 31 days. A form was established to record the weight of each pregnant female, any abortions during gestation, the date of parturition and the date of birth of each newborn, as well as the number of live-born or stillborn pups. After parturition, the weights of female and newborn cavies were recorded weekly until the 3rd week. The number of cavies that died before weaning and the number of live weaned cavies were also recorded. Reproductive performance significantly increased (p 0.05) fertility rate and net fertility rate, litter size, birth viability rate, and pre-weaning viability rate with rations containing garlic powder, compared to the control ration, especially with the R0.50 ration. In addition, birth mortality and pre-weaning mortality were significantly lower (p 0.05) with rations containing the additive, compared to those of the control ration (R0). However,
Martin Vidal TatangEmile MiégouéMargaret Mary Momo ChongsiWouafo David FokomNyah Cédric KwayepPaulette NtsafackTobou France-Gina DjoumessiMathieu Duclos FogangFernand Tendonkeng