This paper models the giraffe’s jugular veins as a uniform collapsible tube from a rigid skull. The equations governing one-dimensional steady flow through such a tube for various conditions have been developed. The effects of inertial and inclination angles that have not been discussed previously have been included. It has been shown that different flows for a uniform tube (vein) are possible. However, this flow matches that of a jugular vein which is supercritical, and the steady solution has been given by the balance between the driving forces of gravity and the viscous resistance to the flow at the right atrium of the heart must be sub-critical for a fixed right-atrium pressure which means that an elastic jump is required to return the flow to sub-critical from the supercritical flow upstream this type of relationship gives rise to flow limitation at the same time given any right atrium fixed pressure there exists a maximum flow rate which when exceeded the boundary conditions of the flow do not hold boundary conditions at the right atrium are not satisfied hence making the steady flow impossible this mechanism of flow limitation is slightly different from the other one in that causes airways through forced expiration from the observation made it is clearly shown that there is an intravascular pressure difference with a change in height.
Rogers Omboga AmenyaJohanna Kibet SigeyGeoffrey Moriaso Ole MaloiyDavid Mwangi Theuri
Objective: To clarify the role of the “Three Threes” method in clinical teaching of internal jugular vein puncture and explore improvements in teaching methods. Methods: A doctor was assigned to the induction room of the Second Affiliated Hospital of Naval Medical University (Shanghai Changzheng Hospital) for two months. The time required for catheterization, the first puncture success rate, and occurrence of puncture-related complications were compared before and after learning the “Three Threes” method. Results: Using the “Three Threes” method reduced the catheterization time by 43%, increased the first puncture success rate by 17%, and led to fewer puncture-related complications. Conclusion: The application of the “Three Threes” method not only improves the success rate of internal jugular vein puncture but also reduces complications, making it easier for students to master the technique.
Pengchao ChengWang XiJunnan WangJin RaoYufeng ZhangZhinong Wang
Objective: The great saphenous vein (GSV) is commonly used as a conduit for grafting during CABG surgery, and open GSV harvesting (OVH), commonly used with long incision to expose the vein. However, endoscopic vein harvesting (EVH) is an alternative approach, utilizing specialized instruments and small incisions to harvest the vein. Methods: A retrospective analysis was conducted on a cohort of patients who underwent Coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) requiring great saphenous vein (GSV) harvesting which was done by EVH or OVH procedures. Demographic variables, including age and gender, were assessed for both groups. Intraoperative variables such as the number of grafts, cardiopulmonary bypass time, X clamp time, and type of procedure were analyzed. Postoperative variables, including infection and bleeding rates, were also evaluated. Results: The study included 30 patients each undergoing Coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) with need of great saphenous vein harvesting which was done by EVH and OVH. Demographic variables were well-matched between the two groups in terms of age, while a significant difference in gender distribution was observed. Obesity and smoking were more prevalent in the OVH group, and EVH was associated with a higher mean number of grafts compared to OVH. Conversion to an open technique occurred in a portion of the EVH cases, and infection rates did not significantly differ between the EVH and OVH groups. However, the incidence of postoperative bleeding was significantly higher in the EVH group. Conclusion: This study provides valuable insights into the demographic, intraoperative, and postoperative variables associated with EVH and OVH techniques. EVH demonstrated advantages in terms of reduced infection rates compared to OVH. However, the higher incidence of postoperative bleeding associated with EVH raises concerns about potential risks.
Mohammed Fawzy EltaweelIsmail N. El-SokkaryAhmed AlheraziMohamed Wael BadawiMohammed G. AbdellatifBahaa A. ElkhonezyIbrahim K. GamilHaytham Mohamed Abd El MoatySarra SadmiMahmoud Khalil
Purpose: To evaluate optical coherence tomography angiography (OCT-A) data obtained from the superficial retinal capillary plexus of patients with retinal vein occlusion and comparative analysis with data registered from unaffected fellow eyes. Methods: The examined patients were classified into 2 groups: group 1—eyes with established retinal vein occlusion (n = 29) and group 2—unaffected fellow eyes of patients with retinal vein occlusion (n = 24). The scanning protocol “Angiography 3 × 3 mm” of Zeiss Cirrus HD-OCT 6000, AngioPlex Metrix was used to evaluate the retinal superficial capillary plexus. The analyzed parameters were vascular density and perfusion density, as well as the area, perimeter, and circularity of the foveolar avascular zone (FAZ). Results: The comparative analysis of FAZ parameters at the superficial capillary plexus (SCP) between group 1 (eyes with retinal vein occlusion) and group 2 (unaffected fellow eyes) showed significant results for the three parameters, respectively area (p = 0.003), perimeter (p ≤ 0.001), and circularity (p = 0.011) of FAZ. The comparative analysis of the vascular network at SCP in patients with diagnosed retinal vein occlusion and unaffected fellow eyes showed significant results for vascular density (VD) in the central (p = 0.038) and inner (p ≤ 0.001) zones as well as total VD (p ≤ 0.001) were statistically significant. Moreover, the results obtained in the study of vascular perfusion (VP) indicated significant results in the inner zone (p ≤ 0.001) and total VP (p = 0.001). Vascular perfusion in the central zone (p = 0.116) was the only parameter not to meet significant results. Conclusion: The current study observed a significant enlargement of the FAZ and loss of its circularity, along with a reduction in vascular network parameters at the superficial retinal capillary plexus level.