- 象形记忆法在高中英语词汇教学中的应用研究
- 词汇是英语语言的基本组成部分。如果学生不掌握一定的词汇量,就无法顺利进行听、说、读、写、译,也就无法进行英语交流。英语词汇教学也是英语语言教学的基础。对教学者而言,通过何种教学方法和教学活动去教词汇,以提高词汇教学效果,...
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- 关键词:高中英语词汇教学
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- A Study on the Application of the Pictographic Memorizing Method in Senior High School English Vocabulary Teaching
- 2014年
- In this paper, upon the pictographic theory and the behaviorist theory, based on Xiang's(2007) pictographic memorizing method, the author designs the corresponding procedure of the senior high school English vocabulary teaching. This research results show that, the application of the pictographic memorizing method in senior high school English vocabulary teaching is feasible and the teaching effect is relatively good.
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