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4 条 记 录,以下是 1-4
研究利用基于冠层辐射传输与植物生理过程的MAESTRA模型,结合中国东部鼎湖山、千烟洲及长白山3个典型森林生态系统的CO2通量观测数据,对光合有效辐射(Photosynthetically Active Radiation,PAR)总量及其散射辐射比例变化影响下生态系统总初级生产力(Gross Primary Productivity,GPP)的变化进行了模拟与敏感性分析,从而探讨这两者的变化对森林生态系统GPP的综合影响。研究结果表明:PAR总量变化对GPP的影响程度由PAR总量变化幅度以及GPP对PAR总量变化的敏感程度所决定,较低的PAR总量与较高的温度条件下GPP对PAR总量变化较敏感;散射辐射比例增大可以提高森林冠层对入射PAR的吸收和利用效率,其对GPP的影响程度由散射辐射量的变化以及散射辐射与直射辐射在吸收与利用效率上的差别所决定,较高温度与叶面积条件下该差别较大;PAR总量与散射辐射比例共同变化对GPP的综合影响取决于上述两个过程的抵消结果,入射PAR较强时两者抵消作用通常更明显,在全年总量上,散射辐射比例变化对GPP的影响能抵消PAR总量变化影响的1/3~1/2。
Spatial patterns of ecosystem carbon residence time in Chinese forests被引量:5
Capacity of carbon sequestration in forest ecosystem largely depends on the trend of net primary production (NPP) and the length of ecosystem carbon residence time. Retrieving spatial patterns of ecosystem carbon residence time is important and necessary for accurately predicting regional carbon cycles in the future. In this study, a data-model fusion method that combined a process-based regional carbon model (TECO-R) with various ground-based ecosystem observations (NPP, biomass, and soil organic carbon) and auxiliary data sets (NDVI, meteorological data, and maps of vegetation and soil texture) was applied to estimate spatial patterns of ecosystem carbon residence time in Chinese forests at steady state. In the data-model fusion, the genetic algorithm was used to estimate the optimal model parameters related with the ecosystem carbon residence time by minimizing total deviation between modeled and observed values. The results indicated that data-model fusion technology could effectively retrieve model parameters and simulate carbon cycling processes for Chinese forest ecosystems. The estimated carbon residence times were highly heterogenous over China, with most of regions having values between 24 and 70 years. The deciduous needleleaf forest and the evergreen needleleaf forest had the highest averaged carbon residence times (73.8 and 71.3 years, respectively), the mixed forest and the deciduous broadleaf forest had moderate values (38.1 and 37.3 years, respectively), and the evergreen broadleaf forest had the lowest value (31.7 years). The averaged carbon residence time of forest ecosystems in China was 57.8 years.
ZHOU Tao1,2, SHI PeiJun1,2, JIA GenSuo3, LI XiuJuan1,2 & LUO YiQi4 1 State Key Laboratory of Earth Surface Processes and Resource Ecology, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875, China
森林生态系统持续的碳吸收能力在很大程度上取决于净初级生产力(NPP)的增长趋势及生态系统碳周转的时间,因此,获取生态系统碳周转时间的空间分布格局是有效评估生态系统碳汇潜力的基础.本研究采用数据-模型融合方法,基于区域生态系统碳循环过程模型(TECO-R),结合生态系统观测数据(NPP、生物量及土壤有机碳)、遥感数据(NDVI)及气象、植被与土壤等辅助空间数据,利用遗传算法(Genetic Algorithm)反演了中国森林生态系统各碳库的周转时间及分配系数,并在此基础上估算了平衡状态下森林生态系统碳周转时间的空间分布格局.研究结果表明:数据-模型融合技术能有效地反演中国森林生态系统碳循环过程模型中的关键参数,从而很好地模拟中国森林生态系统的碳循环过程;反演的中国森林生态系统的碳周转时间在空间上存在很大的异质性,其值大多介于24~70年之间;不同森林类型的统计结果表明,落叶针叶林与常绿针叶林的平均周转时间最大(分别为73.8与71.3年),其次是混交林与落叶阔叶林(38.1与37.3年),而常绿阔叶林的值最小(31.7年);从全国尺度看,中国各种森林生态系统总的碳周转时间的均值为57.8年.
周涛史培军贾根锁李秀娟Yiqi LUO
The spatial distribution of forest carbon sinks and sources in China被引量:30
Forest ecosystems play an important role in the global carbon cycle.The implementation of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change(UNFCCC) and the Kyoto Protocol has made the study of forest ecosystem carbon cycling a hot topic of scientific research globally.This paper utilized Chinese national forest inventory data sets(for the periods 1984-1988 and 1999-2003),the vegetation map of China(1:1000000),and the spatially explicit net primary productivity(NPP) data sets derived with the remote sensing-based light use efficiency model(CASA model).We quantitatively estimated the spatial distribution of carbon sinks and sources of forest vegetation(with a resolution of 1 km) using the spatial downscaling technique.During the period 1984 to 2003 the forest vegetation in China represented a carbon sink.The total storage of carbon increased by 0.77 PgC,with a mean of 51.0TgCa 1.The total carbon sink was 0.88PgC and carbon source was 0.11 PgC during the study period.The carbon sink and carbon source of forest vegetation in China showed a clear spatial distribution pattern.Carbon sinks were mainly located in subtropical and temperate regions,with the highest values in Hainan Province,Hengduan mountain ranges,Changbai mountain ranges in Jilin,and south and northwest of the Da Hinggan Mountains;carbon sources were mainly distributed from the northeast to southwestern areas in China,with the highest values mainly concentrated in southern Yunnan Province,central Sichuan Basin,and northern Da Hinggan Mountains.Increase in NPP was strongly correlated with carbon sink strength.The regression model showed that more than 80% of the variation in the modeled carbon sinks in Northeast,Northern,Northwest and Southern China were explained by the variation in NPP increase.There was a strong relationship between carbon sink strength and forest stand age.
LIU ShuangNaZHOU TaoWEI LinYanSHU Yang