Non-intrusive methods for eye tracking are important for many applications of vision-based human computer interaction. However, due to the high nonlinearity of eye motion, how to ensure the robust- ness of external interference and accuracy of eye tracking poses the primary obstacle to the integration of eye movements into today's interfaces. In this paper, we present a strong tracking finite-difference extended Kalman filter algorithm, aiming to overcome the difficulty in modeling nonlinear eye tracking. In filtering calculation, strong tracking factor is introduced to modify a priori covariance matrix and improve the accuracy of the filter. The filter uses finite-difference method to calculate partial derivatives of nonlinear functions for eye tracking. The latest experimental results show the validity of our method for eye tracking under realistic conditions.
The least mean square error difference (LMS-ED) minimum criterion for an adaptive chaotic noise canceller is proposed in this paper. Different from traditional least mean square error minimum criterion in which the error is uncorrelated with the input vector, the proposed LMS-ED minimum criterion tries to minimize the correlation between the error difference and input vector difference. The novel adaptive LMS-ED algorithm is then derived to update the weights of adaptive noise canceller. A comparison between cancelling performances of adaptive least mean square (LMS), normalized LMS (NLMS) and proposed LMS-ED algorithms is simulated by using three kinds of chaotic noises. The simulation results clearly show that the proposed algorithm outperforms the LMS and NLMS algorithms in achieving small values of steady-state excess mean square error. Moreover, the computational complexity of the proposed LMS-ED algorithm is the same as that of the standard LMS algorithms.
针对混沌通信系统的非线性信道干扰问题,基于混沌信号重构理论和函数型连接神经网络理论,提出了一种横向滤波器与函数型连接神经网络组合(combination of transversal filter and functional link neural network,CFFLNN)的自适应非线性信道均衡器,并给出基于低复杂度归一化最小均方(NLMS)的自适应算法,并对该均衡器的稳定性以及收敛条件进行了分析.该非线性自适应均衡器充分利用了横向滤波器的快速收敛,以及函数型连接神经网络通过增大输入空间提高非线性逼近能力的特点,进一步提高均衡器的收敛速度和降低稳态误差.仿真研究表明:所提出的非线性自适应均衡器能够有效地消除线性和非线性信道干扰,均衡器输出信号能反映出混沌信号的特性,具有良好的抗干扰性能;且该均衡器的结构简单,收敛稳定性较好,易于工程实现.