InP crystal was grown from stoichiometric or non-stoichiometric melt, including P-rich and In-rich condition by the P-injection synthesis LEC method. Owing to the non-stoichiometric condition, there are many pores in the tail of the P-rich ingot. Samples were characterized by high speed photoluminescence mapping and E.P.D. mapping. The perfection (dislocation, stoichiometry and uniformity) of these samples were studied and compared. The PL peak intensity standard deviation of the 4-inch InP wafer is higher. The EPDs around the pores are higher than the other regions. Besides the stress releasing, the pores and the high concentration of dislocations around them are the leading factors causing the inhomogeneity of the wafer. By adjusting the thermal field and ensuring the chemical stoichiometry, InP crystals of larger diameters and better performance can be developed.
Wu Xiang Mao Luhong Sun Niefeng Zhao Zhengping Zhou Xiaolong Sun Tongnian
采用原位磷注入合成法在高压单晶炉内合成富磷的磷化铟 (In P)熔体 ,并利用液封直拉法 (LEC)生长出了 1 0 0 mm In P掺硫单晶材料。对富磷单晶分别用快速扫描光荧光谱技术、腐蚀金相法和扫描电镜进行了研究。结果表明在富磷量足够大的情况下 ,晶片上会出现孔洞 ,并对孔洞周围位错的形成原因及分布进行了分析。 1 0 0 mm In P单晶的平均位错密度也没有明显的增加 ,为今后生长更大尺寸的完整 In