The excited states in 207Rn were populated in the reaction 196Pt(16O, 5n) 207Rn with a beam energy of 95 MeV. Measurements of 7-ray excitation function and 7-7 coincidence were carried out. Based on the experimental data, a level scheme of 207Rn was proposed as shown in Pig.1. Level spins were assigned from the measured DCO ratios.
Excited states of ^134Ba, populated via the heavy-ion induced ^128Te(^10B, 1p3n)134Ba reaction at 46 MeV beam energy, have been studied to medium and high spins by in-beam γ-ray spectroscopy techniques. The experiment was performed at the tandem accelerator laboratory in the University of Tsukuba, Japan. The target is an isotopically enriched ^128Te metallic foil of 2.3mg/cm^2 thickness with a 3mg/cm^2 gold backing. Nine anti-Compton HPGe detectors were employed for the measurements of γ-γ-t coincidences. The level scheme of ^134Ba, deduced from this study, was shown in Fig.1.
The high-spin level structures of doubly odd nucleus ^140Pr have been investigated by means of the ^130Te(^14N,4n)^140Pr reaction. The ^14N beam was obtained from the HI-13 tandem accelerator of China Institute of Atomic Energy, Beijing. The target is an enriched ^130Te metallic foil of 1.67mg/cm^2 thickness with a 10.37mg/cm^2 Pb backing. Measurements of γ-ray singles, γ-γ-t coincidences and γ-ray excitation function were performed with twelve BGO(AC)HPGe detectors. Based on detailed analysis of γ-γ coincidence relationships,
Study of in-beam γ-ray spectroscopy of 146Tb has been carried out by using the 118Sn(32S,1p3n)146Tb reaction. Based on the experimental measured results, the level scheme of 146Tb has been revised significantly and extended up to an excitation energy of 8.39 MeV. Preliminary results of the present work have been reported in a letter. The level structure shows characteristics of a spherical nucleus. The odd-odd nucleus 146Tb has one proton-particle and one neutron-hole with respect to the doubly closed nucleus 146Gd, and its low-