This paper presents a web-based integrated system for on-line sensory fabric hand evaluation. The methods of fuzzy techniques, neural networks, classical factorial analysis and other data analysis are used in the system to analyze the objective and subjective data, and to build the relationship between them. Given the objective data of a new fabric sample, the system can provide its sensory hand data and its total hand grade. In meantime, the total hand grade can be obtained directly from the sensory fabric hand data if provided. The sensory evaluation system is developed in Internet environment using Java language and SQL server database management system.
This paper is divided in two parts. The first part presents optimized methods for formalizing and analyzing sensory data provided by different panels on fabric hand evaluation. For achieving this challenge, we first transform each evaluation into fuzzy sets and we submit criteria for assessing the fabric hand evaluation given by experts as well as criteria for computing the distances between different panels and the employed linguistic terms in different evaluation spaces. This sensory data analysis allows us to check expert’s and customer’s behaviors on fabric hand. Based on this first procedure about formalization and sensory data analysis, we can study the relationships between sensory evaluation given by different experts for a fabric set and the objective data set provided by appropriate measurements. From a set of fabric samples, a database with nearly 10 parameters characterizing the touch handle is built. This way of evaluation is performed by measuring a set of physical parameters on fabrics. Those parameters constitute the input variables of our model. For the textile industry, the major difficulty lies in the fact that the performed measurements on fabrics lead to precise numerical data describing indirectly fabric hand but their relationships with the evaluation given by experts should be exploited. We implement a fuzzy model which predicts the marks reached for a set of linguistic terms. The effectiveness of these methods and criteria is shown through a number of knitted cotton fabrics.
This paper discusses the design of the queue for DNA-based computer on the point view of data structure. The nucleotide encodings for all components of the queue are given out formally. The linear double-stranded DNA molecules are used as the storage structure of the queue, and the basic bio-operations over the queue are described. Furthermore, the comparison between the queue of the electronic computer and that of DNA-based computer are elucidated. To prove the feasibility of our work, nucleotide encodings for an instance of queue are given out. All the biological technology mentioned in this paper can be practically implemented in the laboratory. Based on this work, other data structures could be developed in DNA-based computer.