目的分析青少年人工耳蜗植入者的心理健康状况,为制定个性化的听觉-言语-心理康复计划提供参考依据。方法采用中小学生心理健康量表(mental health test,MHT)对60例青少年人工耳蜗植入者(人工耳蜗组)心理健康状况进行评估,并与听力正常青少年(听力正常组)MHT得分进行比较。结果人工耳蜗组存在明显心理问题的发生率为3.33%,其在过敏倾向方面的得分(5.63±2.22分)高于听力正常组(4.05分),在身体症状方面的得分(4.03±2.72分)低于听力正常组(4.99分),在恐怖倾向方面的得分(1.95±2.01分)低于听力正常组(3.06分),差异均有统计学意义(均为P<0.01)。结论青少年人工耳蜗植入者整体心理健康状况良好,人工耳蜗可以帮助他们改善听力和言语功能,提高生活质量,但他们仍需要家长、老师及社会更多的关注和爱护,帮助其顺利度过青春期,更好地回归主流社会。
Background The popularization and promotion of gene diagnosis technology makes it possible to detect deafness genes for children with congenital hearing impairment, and the proportion of gap junction protein beta 2 (GJB2) gene mutations in cochlear implant patients is 26.5%. We did follow-up evaluation on auditory rehabilitation effect for all 31 deaf children with GJB2 gene mutation after cochlear implantation to provide a reference for such patients. Methods Application of "the genetic deafness gene chip detection kit" and "gene complete sequence analysis" were applied to conduct detection on common genetic deafness gene mutation hotspots of the hearing impaired children with cochlear implantation. To conduct auditory rehabilitation effect evaluation on all 31 cases of patients with GJB2 genetic deafness after 3, 6 and 12 months of the operation respectively. The single factor repeated measure analysis of variance (ANOVA) was applied to analysis whether there were significant difference among the results of initial consonant of a Chinese syllable recognition at 3 different stages after the operation, the results of vowel of a Chinese syllable recognition at 3 different stages after the operation, and the results of two-syllable recognition at 3 different stages after the operation. Results The 235delC is the high-incidence mutational site in 31 cases of patients with GJB2 genetic deafness, and the total detection rate is up to 90.3% (28/31). There were significant differences in the initial consonant and the vowel of a Chinese syllable recognition rate, and the two-syllable recognition rates at 3, 6, and 12 months after the operation (P 〈0.01). Conclusion Cochlear implantation is a safe and effective measure for auditory reconstruction, enabling patients with GJB2 hereditary severe sensorineural deafness to achieve auditory speech recognition effectively.