Let F be a finite simple undirected graph with no isolated vertices. Let p, q be prime numbers with p≥q. We complete the classification of the graphs on which a group of order pq acts edge-transitively. The results are the following. If Aut(Г) contains a subgroup G of order pq that acts edge-transitively on F, then F is one of the following graphs: (1) pK1,1; (2) pqK1,1; (3) pgq,1; (4) qKp,1 (p 〉 q); (5) pCq (q 〉 2); (6) qCp (p 〉 q); (7) Cp (p 〉 q = 2); (8) Cpq; (9) (Zp, C) whereC={±r^μ |μ∈Zq} withq〉2, q|(p-1) and r≠1≡r^q (modp); (10) Kp,1 (p 〉 q); (11) a double Cayley graph B(G,C) with C = {1-r^μ | μ ∈ Zq} and r≠1≡r^q (modp); (12) Kpq,1;or (13) Kp,q.
A construction of authentication codes with arbitration from singular pseudo-symplectic geometry over finite fields is given and the parameters of the code are computed. Under the assumption that the encoding rules of the transmitter and the receiver are chosen according to a uniform probability distribution, the probabilities of success for different types of deceptions are also computed.