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5 条 记 录,以下是 1-6
^(36)Cl-AMS measurements with 3-MV tandem accelerator
36Cl is one of the most interesting nuclides in accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS) measurements. The application of 36Cl has been widely applied in various fields. All most all of 36Cl AMS measurements at natural isotopic concentrations have yet been performed at tandem accelerator with 5 MV or higher terminal voltage. The measure improvement of 36Cl and other medium heavy isotopes performed at 3 MV in AMS facilities is one of the hottest topics in AMS measurements. In order to increase the suppression factor of 36S, the energy loss straggling and angular straggling of 36Cl and 36S ions in various counter gases (P10, isobutane and propane) were investigated. Some groundwater samples were measured with energy of 32 MeV, and the results were in good agreement with the result obtained with ion energy of 72 MeV. The results indicate that the approximate detection limit of 36Cl in 3 MV AMS facility is 36Cl/Cl=1×10-14 , and the uncertainty is 30% when the sample with isotopic ration 36Cl/Cl≈10-13.
WANG HuijuanGUAN YongjingZHANG WeiJIANG ShanMing He
Comparison between the time-integrated spectrum and the peak time spectrum of gamma-ray bursts and possible implications被引量:1
The mono-frequency peak luminosity and the corresponding photon energy of the time-integrated (L~, Eg) and peak time (L~, ffp) vfv spectra were derived for a sample of 38 redshift-known Fermi GRBs by fitting the spectra with the Band function. It was found that Ept is generally consistent with Ep, and Lp is averagely three times larger than Lp. The slope of the Lp1 -Etp relation was consistent with that of the Lps - Eps relation. The photon indices in the peak time spectrum, particularly, the index of the low energy end was, were statistically larger than that in the time-integrated spectrum. These results indicate that Lp and Ep are dominated by Lp1 and Ept, respectively. The difference of the spectral indices between the time-integrated and peak time spectra may be because of the overlap effect of a series of time-resolved spectra within a GRB. Our simulations, which were based on the observed spectral evolution and correlation between the energy flux and the peak energy within individual GRBs support our speculations. The Lt - Et, relation may be less contaminated by the overla!a effect, and it would may be an intrinsic feature of radiation ohvsics.
在端电压为3MV的AMS装置上实现36 Cl及其他中重核素的高灵敏测量是AMS技术发展的重要方向之一。为进一步提高充气飞行时间探测方法中36S的压低能力,本文研究了36S和36 Cl在P10、异丁烷和丙烷气体中的能量歧离和角度歧离。在32MeV的入射能量下测量了几个地下水样品中36 Cl的含量,测量结果与72MeV能量下的测量结果相符。测量结果表明,采用充气飞行时间探测方法在3MV的串列加速器上测量36Cl时,探测限为36Cl/Cl≈10-14,当样品中36Cl/Cl≈10-13时测量不确定度为30%。
在端电压为3MV的AMS装置上实现36 Cl及其他中重核素的高灵敏测量是AMS技术发展的重要方向之一。为进一步提高充气飞行时间探测方法中36S的压低能力,本文研究了36S和36 Cl在P10、异丁烷和丙烷气体中的能量歧离...
Physical origin of multi-wavelength emission of GRB 100418A and implications for its progenitor
Swift GRB 100418A is a long burst at z = 0.624 without detection of any associated supernova (SN). Its light curves in both the prompt and afterglow phases are similar to GRB 060614, a nearby long GRB without an associated SN. We analyze the observational data of this event and discuss the possible origins of its multiwavelength emission. We show that its joint light curve at 1 keV derived from Swift BAT and XRT observations is composed of two distinguished components. The first component, whose spectrum is extremely soft (Γ = 4.32), ends with a steep decay segment, indicating the internal origin of this component. The second component is a slowly-rising, broad bump which peaks at ~ 10 5 s post the BAT trigger. Assuming that the late bump is due to onset of the afterglow, we derive the initial Lorentz factor (Γ 0 ) of the GRB fireball and find that it significantly deviates from the relation between the Γ 0 and isotropic gamma-ray energy derived from typical GRBs. We also check whether it follows the same anti-correlation between X-ray luminosity and the break time observed in the shallow decay phase of many typical GRBs, which is usually regarded as a signal of late energy injection from the GRB central engine. However, we find that it does not obey this correlation. We propose that the late bump could be contributed by a two-component jet. We fit the second component with an off-axis jet model for a constant medium density and find the late bump can be represented by the model. The derived jet half-opening angle is 0.30 rad and the viewing angle is 0.315 rad. The medium density is 0.05 cm 3 , possibly suggesting that it may be from a merger of compact stars. The similarity between GRBs 060614 and 100418A may indicate that the two GRBs are from the same population and the late bump observed in the two GRBs may be a signal of a two-component jet powered by the GRB central engine.
Lan-Wei JiaXue-Feng WuHou-Jun LtiShu-Jin HouEn-Wei Liang