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4 条 记 录,以下是 1-4
Diversification of Sisorid catfishes(Teleostei: Siluriformes)in relation to the orogeny of the Himalayan Plateau被引量:4
Abstract Sisorid catfishes are primarily limited in distribution to rivers of the Himalayan region and Tibetan Plateau. These species have external morphologies that are adapted for extremely fast-flowing riverine systems. Given the diversity of the group and the above qualities of these catfishes, this lineage serves as an ideal group for inferring the geological history of this region based on their phylogenetic relationships reflecting evolu- tionary history. We sequenced the complete mitochondrial genome and four nuclear genes of representative sisorids distributed across river systems in China. Phylogenetic analyses strongly support the monophyly of the Sisoridae and the glyptosternoids. An analysis of the reconstructed ancestral states derived from inferred genealogical relationships suggests that the evolution of this lineage was accompanied by convergent evolution in morphological traits that were presumably in response to environmental pressure involving the rapid flowing river system that were generated during the uplift of the Tibetan Plateau (UTP). Molecular dating indicates that the Chinese sisorids and the glyptosternoids originated at the later Miocene (~ 10.9-9.8 Mya), and with further biogeographic analyses indicates that the species of Sisoridae likely originated from a widely distributed ancestor. Moreover, the divergence of the Sisoridae in China can be divided into two phases consis- tent with the UTP. All of these results indicate that the diversification and dispersal events in this lineage occurred as a result of drainage systems formed during and after the UTP in the late Miocene and Quaternary periods.
Chuanjiang ZhouXuzhen WangXiaoni GanYaping ZhangDavid M.IrwinRichard L.MaydenShunping He
用PCR方法获得了南方鲇(Silurus meridionalis)的线粒体基因组全序列,长度为16533bp,南方鲇线粒体基因组中A和T的含量略高((A+T)为55.17%),12S rRNA,16S rRNA,tRNA和控制区的(A+T)含量分别为52.44%,55.23%,55.97%和60.24%).基于选取的36种代表性种类线粒体全序列中的11个蛋白编码基因,构建了骨鳔鱼类系统发育树,并以骨鳔鱼类化石记录为标定点,运用松散分子钟方法估算物种分化时间.结果表明,耳鳔系鱼类为强烈支持的单系,鲤形目位于该类群的基部,脂鲤目和电鳗目构成姐妹群,然后和鲇形目构成姐妹群.骨鳔鱼类起源于三叠纪(约为231Mya),耳鳔系起源于三叠纪晚期(约为216Mya),其代表类群均起源于侏罗纪晚期(鲇形目、鲤形目、脂鲤目、电鳗目的分化发生在161~139Mya),南方鲇的物种分化时间约为白垩纪中期,估算的分化时间远早于化石记录.
Phylogenetic relationships and estimation of divergence times among Sisoridae catfishes被引量:5
Nineteen taxa representing 10 genera of Sisoridae were subjected to phylogenetic analyses of sequence data for the nuclear genes Plagl2 and ADNP and the mitochondrial gene cytochrome b. The three data sets were analyzed separately and combined into a single data set to reconstruct phylogenetic relationships among Chinese sisorids. Both Chinese Sisoridae as a whole and the glyptosternoid taxa formed monophyletic groups. The genus Pseudecheneis is likely to be the earliest diverging extant genus among the Chinese Sisoridae. The four Pareuchiloglanis species included in the study formed a monophyletic group. Glaridoglanis was indicated to be earliest diverging glyptosternoid, followed by Glyptosternon maculatum and Exostoma labiatum. Our data supported the conclusion that Oreoglanis and Pseudexostoma both formed a monophyletic group. On the basis of the fossil record and the results of a molecular dating analysis, we estimated that the Sisoridae diverged in the late Miocene about 12.2 Mya. The glyptosternoid clade was indicated to have diverged, also in the late Miocene, about 10.7 Mya, and the more specialized glyptosternoid genera, such as Pareuchiloglanis, originated in the Pleistocene (within 1.9 Mya). The speciation of glyptosternoid fishes is hypothesized to be closely related with the uplift of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau.
YU MeiLingHE ShunPing