We investigate the Entanglement Sudden Birth (ESB) of two Heisenberg spins A and B. The third controller, qutrit C is introduced, which only has the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya (DM) spin-orbit interaction with qubit B. We find that the DM interaction is necessary to induce the Entanglement Sudden Birth of the system qubits A and B, and the initial states of the system qubits and the qurit C are also important to control its Entanglement Sudden Birth.
This paper investigates the entanglement dynamics of the system, composed of two qubits A and B with Heisenberg XX spin interactation. There is a third controller qubit C, which only has Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya (DM) spin-orbit interaction with the qubit B. It is found that depending on the initial state of the controller qubit C and DM interaction, the entanglement of the system displays amplification and sudden birth effects. These effects indicate that one can control the entanglement of the system, which may be helpful for quantum information processing.