We review colossal magnetoresistance in single phase manganites, as related to the field sensitive spin-charge interactions and phase separation; the rectifying property and negative/positive magnetoresistance in manganite/Nb:SrTio3 p-n junctions in relation to the special interface electronic structure; magnetoelectric coupling in manganite/ferroelectric structures that takes advantage of strain, carrier density, and magnetic field sensitivity; tunneling magnetoresistance in tunnel junctions with dielectric, ferroelectric, and organic semiconductor spacers using the fully spin polarized nature of manganites; and the effect of particle size on magnetic properties in manganite nanoparticles.
A new low temperature Pmmm(120 K) phase was found in high temperature superconductor Sr_2 CuO_(3+δ), which was indicated as a pure electronic phase by resonant x-ray diffraction at Cu K-edge. As shown by x-ray absorption fine structure(EXAFS) and x-ray absorption near edge structure(XANES) at Cu K-edge, the strong charge density redistribution and local lattice fluctuations around Cu site at the onset of phase transition were due to the occurrence of superconductive coherence, the redistribution and fluctuation finished at Tc. Finally, the electron–lattice interaction was mainly elaborated to understand the superconductivity of Sr_2 CuO_(3+δ).