使用D elph i 6.0作为前端开发工具,选择SQL Server作为后端数据库,设计并实现了高校学分制收费管理信息系统。该系统主要由学费管理模块、选课管理模块、统计查询及报表模块和系统维护模块组成。该系统安全性高、透明性强、工作效率高,已经推广到广西的大部分大专院校,以及其他省市的部分大专院校使用。
Web-services are highly distributed programs, and concurrent software is notoriously error-prone. Model checking is a powerful technique to find bugs in concurrent systems. However, the existing model checkers have no enough ability to support for the programming languages and communication mechanisms used for Web services. We propose to use Kripke structures as means of modeling Web service. This paper presents an automated way to extract formal models from programs implementing Web services using predicate abstraction for abstract model checking. The abstract models are checked by means of a model checker that implements automatic abstraction refinement. These results enable the verification of the applications that implement Web services.
QIAN Junyan CAI Guoyong GU Tianlong ZHAO Lingzhong
RBAC(Role Based Access Control)是一种被广泛认可的信息系统访问安全规范管理模型,但RBAC访问安全规范模型如何与组织系统的业务过程规范模型融合,从而更有效地服务于可信业务协同系统的开发实践还值得进一步研究改进。在RBAC模型的基础上,融合协同业务规范中的义务及奖惩元素,提出RBAO(Role Based Access and Obligation)模型。RBAO模型不仅能描述角色在组织中可拥有的访问权力,还能描述角色在组织中可能要承担的义务及义务违反时将受到的处罚。这使得RBAO模型更适合用于组织可信规范业务协同系统的管理建模与开发。以具体实例说明了基于RBAO模型的可信业务协同系统管理的分析与建模方法。