Recently Background Imaging of Cosmic Extragalactic Polarization (B2) discovered the relic gravitational waves at 7.00- confi- dence level. However, the other cosmic microwave background (CMB) data, for example Planck data released in 2013 (P13), prefer a much smaller amplitude of the primordial gravitational waves spectrum if a power-law spectrum of adiabatic scalar perturbations is assumed in the six-parameter ACDM cosmology. In this paper, we explore whether the wCDM model and the running spectral index can relax the tension between B2 and other CMB data. Specifically we found that a positive running of running of spectral index is preferred at 1.70- level from the combination of B2, P 13 and WMAP Polarization data.
In this paper we propose a new inflation model named( p, q) inflation model in which the inflaton potential contains both positive and negative powers of inflaton field in the polynomial form. We derive the accurate predictions of the canonical single-field slow-roll inflation model. Using these formula, we show that our inflation model can easily generate a large amplitude of tensor perturbation and a negative running of spectral index with large absolute value.
The power spectrum of primordial tensor perturbations Pt increases rapidly in the high frequency region if the spectral index nt 〉 0. It is shown that the amplitude of relic gravitational waves ht (5×109 Hz) varies from 10-36 to 10-25 while rtt varies from -6.25 × 10-3 to 0.87. A high frequency gravitational wave detector proposed by F,-Y, Li detects gravitational waves through observing the perturbed photon flux that is generated by interaction between relic gravitational waves and electromagnetic field. It is shown that the perturbative photon flux N1x (5 × 109 Hz) varies from 1.40× 10-4 s-i to 2.85× 107 s-i while nt varies from -6.25 ×10-3 to 0.87, Correspondingly, the ratio of the transverse perturbative photon flux N1x to the background photon flux varies from 10-28 to 10-16.
The neutrino oscillations imply that at least two neutrinos have non-zero masses[1].However,up to now,we only measure the differences of neutrino mass squares in a standard scenario with three massive eigenstates[2],i.e.
In some quantum gravity theories, a foamy structure of space-time may lead to Lorentz invariance violation(LIV). As the most energetic explosions in the Universe, gamma-ray bursts(GRBs) provide an effect way to probe quantum gravity effects. In this paper, we use the continuous spectra of 20 short GRBs detected by the Swift satellite to give a conservative lower limit of quantum gravity energy scale MQG. Due to the LIV effect, photons with different energy have different velocities. This will lead to the delayed arrival of high energy photons relative to low energy ones. Based on the fact that the LIV-induced time delay cannot be longer than the duration of a GRB,we present the most conservative estimate of the quantum gravity energy scales from 20 short GRBs. The strictest constraint, M_(QG) 〉 5.05 × 10^(14) GeV in the linearly corrected case, is from GRB 140622 A. Our constraint on MQG,although not as tight as previous results, is the safest and most reliable so far.