Good understanding of relationship between parameters of vehicle, terrain and interaction at the interface is required to develop effective navigation and motion control algorithms for autonomous wheeled mobile robots (AWMR) in rough terrain. A model and analysis of relationship among wheel slippage (S), rotation angle (0), sinkage (z) and wheel radius (r) are presented. It is found that wheel rotation angle, sinkage and radius have some influence on wheel slippage. A multi-objective optimization problem with slippage as utility function was formulated and solved in MATLAB. The results reveal the optimal values of wheel-terrain parameters required to achieve optimum slippage on dry sandy terrain. A method of slippage estimation for a five-wheeled mobile robot was presented through comparing the odometric measurements of the powered wheels with those of the fifth non-powered wheel. The experimental result shows that this method is feasible and can be used for online slippage estimation in a sandy terrain.
Application of terrain-vehicle mechanics for determination and prediction of mobility performance of autonomous wheeled mobile robot (AWMR) in rough terrain is a new research area currently receiving much attention for both terrestrial and planetary missions due to its significant role in design, evaluation, optimization, and motion control of AWMRs. In this paper, decoupled closed form terramechanics considering important wheel-terrain parameters is applied to model and predict traction. Numerical analysis of traction performance in terms of drawbar pull, tractive efficiency, and driving torque is carried out for wheels of different radii, widths, and lug heights, under different wheel slips. Effects of normal forces on wheels are analyzed. Results presented in figures are discussed and used to draw some conclusions. Furthermore, a multiobjective optimization (MOO) method for achieving optimal mobility is presented. The MOO problem is formulated based on five independent variables in- eluding wheel radius r, width b, lug height h, wheel slip s, and wheel rotation angle 0 with three objectives to maximize drawbar pull and tractive efficiency while minimizing the dynamic traction ratio. Genetic algorithm in MATLAB is used to obtain opti- mized wheel design and traction control parameters such as drawbar pull, tractive efficiency, and dynamic traction ratio required for good mobility performance. Comparison of MOO results with experimental results shows a good agreement. A method to apply the MOO results for online traction and mobility prediction and control is discussed.
Ozoemena Anthony ANIHe XUYi-ping SHENShao-gang LIUKai XUE