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6 条 记 录,以下是 1-6
Hollow Villages and Rural Restructuring in Major Rural Regions of China: A Case Study of Yucheng City, Shandong Province被引量:31
The agricultural land resources of China are relatively limited because of its large population.Therefore,balancing the land use for industrialization,urbanization,and food security is a big challenge.In recent years,rural hollowing in China has resulted in numerous of abandoned rural houses,and the areas with abandoned houses need to be restored into agricultural land with effective land consolidation techniques.This study used the method of benefit-cost analysis and the data collected through field surveys conducted in Yucheng City in the northwest of Shandong Province in March 2009,to examine how hollow villages (HVs) to be created and how to solve the problem.The qualitative and quantitative analyses indicate following results.1) The situation of HVs is becoming increasingly severe under rapid industrialization and urbanization in Yucheng City.2) Poor infrastructure in rural areas and incomplete urbanization are the main factors that have led to the rural hollowing in many major rural regions of China.3) In order to resolve the problem caused by HVs and increase agricultural land,reconstructing rural communities in the countryside is necessary.4) A new mechanism in the provision of compensation funds by developed regions to the villages in less-developed regions must be established.
SUN HuLIU YansuiXU Keshuai
Impact of Climatic Change on Agricultural Production and Response Strategies in China被引量:1
A number of studies indicate that global climate warming has been increasing, especially in recent decades. Climate warming greatly affects global agro-production and food security-- becoming a hotspot of global environmental change. This paper proposes a structural and orientational framework for scientifically addressing climatic change impact on agroroduction. Through literature reviews and comparative studies, the paper systematically summarizes influencing mechanisms and impact of climate warming on such agro-production factors as light, temperature, soil quality and water environment. The impact of climate warm- ing on cultivation regions, cropping systems, crop pests, agro- production capacity, agro-economy and farm management is analyzed. Then, suitable climate-adapting agro-development strategies are put forward for different regions in China. The strategies are carefully selected from a repository of international tested climatic change countermeasures in agriculture at national or district level.
Liu YansuiLiu YuGuo Liying
运用土地利用变化强度、土地利用程度变化率、生态系统服务价值以及G IS软件对榆林市土地利用时空格局演变及其生态响应进行了分析。结果表明,1990—2005年榆林市土地利用类型转换较快,耕地、林地、园地、城镇用地的土地利用变化强度分别达-0.46%,0.39%,0.09%,0.03%。1990—2005年榆林市生态系统服务价值呈现逐年增长态势,16年间增加了19.26亿元,同期耕地生态价值减少了8.19亿元,林地、草地生态价值分别增加了27.25和0.27亿元。县域生态系统服务价值结果显示,16年间靖边县生态系统服务价值下降了0.27亿元,其他各县均呈现增长态势。
Territorial Inequality of Net Income per Peasant in Shandong Province and Its Mechanism
Income inequality among farmers living in different regions was an important form of territorial inequalities. Studying the territorial inequality of the net income per peasant was an emphasis of this paper, and Shandong Province was pointed as the case study region. By the help of logistic regression, it could be found that the special distribution of the net income per peasant in Shandong Province was affected by three factors: distance to No.308 National Highway, distance to the coastline in the east of Shandong Province, and urbanization rates. Based on the decomposition of Gini index, the net income per peasant was divided into four parts, and it was found that the income from family business and salary were the two major sources of income. As to the mechanism for income inequality, it was proved that urbanization was still the key factor. In order to reduce income inequality, the local governments should promote urbanization through improving road networks, such as building highways, which could connect rural areas with the major nodes such as big cities and the port cities in the east.
SUN HuLIU YansuiXU Keshuai
以典型农牧工矿交错区的榆林市为研究对象,基于遥感和GIS技术获取3期土地利用动态数据,分析评价了该地区近14年土地利用变化、成因以及所引起的土地生态系统服务价值的变化。结果表明:1988、1999、2002年,榆林市土地利用结构发生了巨大的变化。除牧草地和建设用地持续增加外,其他的土地利用类型均出现不同程度的减少,其中耕地面积减少最多,减少量为352 350 hm2,其次是未利用土地,减少285 765 hm2;减少面积最小的是水域。引起土地利用变化的主要原因是在自然环境背景下人为因素影响的结果,尤其是政策方面的影响尤为突出。该地区生态系统服务价值从1988年的150.65亿元增加到2002年的171.99亿元,增加了21.34亿元,这表明该区生态环境质量整体在提高。各生态系统服务类型中废物处理和水分供应的价值最大,对区域发展起着至关重要的作用。