Experimental investigation of large amplitude yaw-roll coupled oscillations was conducted in a low-speed wind tunnel using an aircraft configuration model. A special test rig was designed and constructed to provide different coupled motions from low to high angles of attack.A parameter ‘‘coupling ratio" was introduced to indicate the extent of yaw-roll coupling. At each pitch angle, seven coupling ratios were designed to study the yaw-roll coupling effects on the lateraldirectional aerodynamic characteristics systematically. At high angles of attack, the damping characteristics of yawing and rolling moments drastically varied with coupling ratios. In the coupled motions with the rotation taking place about the wind axis, the lateral-directional aerodynamic moments exhibited unsteady characteristics and were different from the ‘‘quasi-steady" results of the rotary balance tests. The calculated results of the traditional aerodynamic derivative method were also compared with the experimental data. At low and very high angles of attack, the aerodynamic derivative method was applicative. However, within a wide range of angles of attack, the calculated results of aerodynamic derivative method were inconsistent with the experimental data, due to the drastic changes of damping characteristics of lateral-directional aerodynamic moments with yaw-roll coupling ratios.
现代战争要求战斗机能够在大迎角(AOA)状态下进行过失速飞行,对飞机大迎角绕流流场的研究主要的方法有风洞试验和数值模拟。在大迎角风洞试验中,常用的是尾支撑方法,支架的存在会对模型的试验结果产生一定的影响,本文通过数值模拟来对这个影响进行研究。以开源计算流体力学软件OpenFOAM 2.3为平台,采用PIMPLE算法求解Navier-Stokes(N-S)方程,PIMPLE算法是SIMPLE(Semi-Implicit Method for Pressure-linked Equations)算法和PISO(Pressure Implicit with Splitting of Operator)算法的结合体;采用基于有限体积的空间离散方法和空间二阶精度的线性插值方法,时间离散采用后向差分方法,湍流模型采用SA-DDES(Spalart-Allmaras-Delayed Detached Eddy Simulation)模型。为了验证方法的可靠性,首先对0°、10°、30°、50°、70°以及90°迎角下的有支架三角翼绕流流场进行计算,并将计算结果与试验结果进行对比,两者吻合较好。在此基础上,数值模拟了无支架的三角翼绕流流场,对比有/无支架情况下数值模拟结果,得到支架对三角翼绕流流场、背风面压强分布和气动力的影响。计算结果表明:大迎角情况下,有支架与无支架时相比,支架的存在会影响三角翼附近的流场(但是不会改变涡系等流动结构)、改变翼表面压强分布,从而导致三角翼的法向力系数和俯仰力矩系数发生明显变化。