在干旱地区,降水中的氢氧稳定同位素组成常受到雨滴云下二次蒸发作用的影响而发生改变。基于全球降水同位素网(GNIP)在我国西北东部站点的数据并结合气象数据,分析雨滴二次蒸发作用发生的条件、季节特征、影响因素以及对降水氢氧稳定同位素组成的影响规律。研究表明:在我国西北东部,当近地表水汽压差(VPD)等于0.52 k Pa时,降水中氢氧稳定同位素组成规律发生显著改变。当VPD>0.52 k Pa时,地区降水线(LMWL)的斜率和截距与全球降水线(GMWL)无显著差别,且氘剩余(d-excess)也与VPD不存在显著相关关系。然而,当VPD>0.52 k Pa时,LMWL的斜率和截距显著地小于GMWL,d-excess与VPD存在显著的负相关关系。表明当VPD<0.52 k Pa时,保留了云层中热力学平衡分馏特征,而当VPD>0.52 k Pa时,降水氢氧稳定同位素经历了动力学非平衡分馏过程——云下雨滴在降落过程中二次蒸发作用。根据Tetens公式,当气温(t)<7.0℃时,空气饱和水汽压不可能超过0.52 k Pa,所以,当t<7.0℃时不可能发生雨滴二次蒸发过程。这样,在温带干旱地区,在t较低的冬半年降水中的δ18O只存在显著的温度效应,而在t较高的夏半年降水中的δ18O同时存在温度和降水效应。
Determining the mechanisms underlying the spatial distribution of plant species is one of the central themes in biogeography and ecology. However, we are still far from gaining a full understanding of the autecological processes needed to unravel species distribution patterns. In the current study, by comparing seedling recruitment, seedling morphological performance and biomass allocation of two Haloxylon species, we try to identify the causes of the dune/interdune distribution pattern of these two species. Our results show the soil on the dune had less nutrients but was less saline than that of the interdune; with prolonged summer drought, soil water availability was lower on the dune than on the interdune. Both species had higher densities of seedlings at every stage of recruitment in their native habitat than the adjacent habitat. The contrasting different adaptation to nutrients, salinity and soil water conditions in the seedling recruitment stage strongly determined the distribution patterns of the two species on the dune/interdune. Haloxylon persicum on the dunes had lower total dry biomass, shoot and root dry biomass, but allocated a higher percentage of its biomass to roots and possessed a higher specific root length and specific root area by phenotypic traits specialization than that of Haloxylon ammodendron on the interdune. All of these allowed H. persicum to be more adapted to water stress and nutrient shortage. The differences in morphology and allocation facilitated the ability of these two species to persist in their own environments.