The nonradiative charge-transfer cross sections for protons colliding with Rb(5s) atoms are calculated by using the quantum-mechanical molecularorbital close-coupling method in an energy range of 10-a keV-10 keV. The total and state-selective charge-transfer cross sections are in good agreement with the experimental data in the relatively low energy region. The importance of rotational coupling for chargetransfer process is stressed. Compared with the radiative charge-transfer process, nonradiative charge transfer is a dominant mechanism at energies above 15 eV. The resonance structures of state-selective charge-transfer cross sections arising from the competition among channels are analysed in detail. The radiative and nonradiative1 charge-transfer rate coefficients from low to high temperature are presented.
The collision induced dissociation (CID) of H+2 ion colliding with He target has been measured by Williams andDunbar[1] and Suzuki et al.[2] in the keV energy region. In Ref. [1], the CID cross sections decrease monotonouslywith decreasing energy. But the energy dependency of the CID results in Ref. [2] is different with that in Ref. [1].At energies below 1 keV, no experimental results are available for integral cross sections. On the theoretical side,Furlan and Russek[3] have investigated the electron capture (EC), CID and excitation processes in the few keVenergy region. Their calculations are performed by the straight-line trajectory method based on the ab initiomolecular structure. A three-state approximation is employed in their calculations. Their CID cross sections areseveral times smaller than the experimental results. We present the quantum-mechanical molecular orbital closecoupling (QMOCC) calculations[4] for the CID process of the H+2 + He collision.