以典型紫色土丘陵区万安小流域(12.10 km2)为研究区域,通过分析2011年4月(旱季)和8月(雨季)采集的552个表层土壤样品,采用传统统计学和地统计学的方法对小流域土壤全磷的时空变异特征进行了研究。结果表明:(1)流域不同土地利用类型土壤全磷含量均值介于0.42~0.73 g kg-1,土地利用类型之间全磷含量具有显著差异,呈现为水旱轮作田>旱地>林地;(2)相同土地利用类型旱季(4月)、雨季(8月)土壤全磷含量无显著差异;(3)水旱轮作田、旱地土壤全磷的中等空间相关性,表明其受到随机性因素和结构性因素的共同影响,而林地的强烈空间相关性表明其土壤全磷的空间分布特征主要受到结构性因素的作用;这表明在确认磷负荷风险地点、评估污染物迁移潜力及流域土壤资源管理时,应考虑不同土地利用类型条件下全磷时空特征。
Soil organic carbon is of great importance to terrestrial ecosystems. Studies on the amount and spatial distribution of soil organic carbon stock in various types of soil can help to better understand the role of soil in the global carbon cycle and provide a scientific basis for the assessment of the magnitude of carbon stored in a given area. Here we present estimates of soil organic carbon stock in soils in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River based on soil types as defined by Chinese Soil Taxonomy and recently compiled into a digital soil database. The results showed that the total soil organic carbon stock of the upper Yangtze River to a depth of 100 cm was 1.452x1013 kg. The highest soil organic carbon stock was found in felty soils (2.419x10TM kg), followed by dark brown soils (1.269x10=kg), and dark feltysoils (L139x10=kg). Chernozems and irrigation silting soils showed the lowest soil organic carbon stock, mainly due to the small total area of such soils. The soil organic carbon density of these major soil types ranged from 5.6 to 26.1 kg m2- The average soil organic carbon density of the upper reaches of the Yangtze River was 16.4 kg m-2, which was higher than that of the national average. Soil organic carbon density indicated a distinct decreasing trend from west to east, which corresponds to the pattern of increasing temperature from cold to subtropical.
WANG Xiao-guoZHU BoHUA Ke-keLUO YongZHANG JianZHANG An-bang