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8 条 记 录,以下是 1-8
Novel hole transport layer of nickel oxide composite with carbon for high-performance perovskite solar cells被引量:1
A depth behavioral understanding for each layer in perovskite solar cells (PSCs) and their inter[acial interactions as a whole has been emerged for further enhancement in power conversion efficiency (PCE). Herein, NiO@Carbon was not only simulated as a hole transport layer but also as a counter electrode at the same time in the planar heterojunction based PSCs with the program wxAMPS (analysis of microelectronic and photonic structures)-lD. Simulation results revealed a high dependence of PCE on the effect of band offset between hole transport material (HTM) and perovskite layers. Meanwhile, the valence band offset (AEv) of NiO-HTM was optimized to be -0.1 to -0.3 eV lower than that of the perovskite layer. Additionally, a barrier cliff was identified to significantly influence the hole extraction at the HTM/absorber interface. Conversely, the AEv between the active material and NiO@Carbon-HTM was derived to be -0.15 to 0.15 eV with an enhanced efficiency from 15% to 16%.
SajidA M Elseman纪军窦尚轶黄浩崔鹏卫东李美成
Preparation of Composited Graphene/PEDOT:PSS Film for Its Possible Application in Graphene-based Organic Solar Cells
The interface between graphene and organic layers is a key factor responsible for the performance of graphene-based organic solar cells(OSCs). In this paper, we focus on coating PEDOT:PSS onto the surface of graphene. We demonstrate two approaches, applying UV/Ozone treatment on graphene and modifying PEDOT:PSS with Zonyl, to get a PEDOT:PSS well-coated graphene film. Our results prove that both methods can be effective to solve the interface issue between graphene and PEDOT: PSS. Thereby it shows a positive application of the composited graphene/PEDOT:PSS film on graphene-based OSCs.
YU YueLI MeichengCHU LihuaYU HakkiWodtke A.M.ZHAO YanZHANG Zhongmo
Designing novel thin film polycrystalline solar cells for high efficiency:sandwich CIGS and heterojunction perovskite被引量:1
Heterojunction and sandwich architectures are two new-type structures with great potential for solar cells.Specifically,the heterojunction structure possesses the advantages of efficient charge separation but suffers from band offset and large interface recombination;the sandwich configuration is favorable for transferring carriers but requires complex fabrication process.Here,we have designed two thin-film polycrystalline solar cells with novel structures:sandwich CIGS and heterojunction perovskite,referring to the advantages of the architectures of sandwich perovskite(standard)and heterojunction CIGS(standard)solar cells,respectively.A reliable simulation software wxAMPS is used to investigate their inherent characteristics with variation of the thickness and doping density of absorber layer.The results reveal that sandwich CIGS solar cell is able to exhibit an optimized efficiency of 20.7%,which is much higher than the standard heterojunction CIGS structure(18.48%).The heterojunction perovskite solar cell can be more efficient employing thick and doped perovskite films(16.9%)than these typically utilizing thin and weak-doping/intrinsic perovskite films(9.6%).This concept of structure modulation proves to be useful and can be applicable for other solar cells.
Tianyue WangJiewei ChenGaoxiang WuDandan SongMeicheng Li
Optimal design of efficient hole transporting layer free planar perovskite solar cell
Hole transporting layer(HTL) free organometal halide perovskite solar cells have shown great promise in simplifying device architecture,fabrication process and enhancing stability.However,the simple elimination of the HTL from the standard sandwiched configuration suffers from relatively poor device performance;additionally,the mechanism of the HTL-free perovskite solar cell is still unclear.Herein,we applied a one-dimensional modeling program wxAMPS to investigate the planar HTL-free perovskite solar cells by adjusting the absorber thickness,doping and the absorber/back contact band alignment.The simulation results reveal the importance of the moderate absorber thickness as well as the p-doping perovskite rather than intrinsic as in sandwich structure to the overall device efficiency.In the meanwhile,reducing the mismatching of the absorber/back contact by using higher work function back contact material in replacement of commonly utilized Au electrode is more favorable to improve the device performance.Through optimizing,high performance HTL-free perovskite solar cell with efficiency approaching 17%could be achieved.This study is helpful in providing theoretical guidance for the design of HTL-free perovskite solar cells.
硅纳米线的消光截面在特定波段可以达到其几何截面的数百倍,这意味着其可以将数百倍于其几何截面范围内的光收集起来。因此,硅纳米线被广泛应用于太阳电池、传感器和光催化等光电子领域。硅纳米线主要有圆柱形(C-SiNW)和锥形(T-SiNW)两种形貌。其中, T-SiNW在更宽的波段范围具有大的消光系数,因而具有更好的广谱光收集能力。然而,当光从顶端入射时T-SiNW的吸收系数的数值却很小,严重限制了其实际应用。因此亟需研究入射角度对T-SiNW光谱行为的影响。此外,光的偏振也将影响T-SiNW的光谱行为。基于离散偶极近似方法,详细研究了入射角度和偏振对T-SiNW的消光谱、吸收光谱和散射性质的影响。建立了长度1μm、上底直径20 nm、下底直径120 nm的T-SiNW模型;入射角度在0~180°范围内以30°间隔递增;偏振包括平行于入射面和垂直于入射面两种情况。首先,研究了入射角度和偏振影响T-SiNW的消光、吸收谱和吸收/消光比的规律;并借助近场分析探讨了T-SiNW光谱行为的机制。然后,分析了入射角度和偏振对T-SiNW散射光角度分布的影响。结果表明,倒置T-SiNW的消光谱与正置情况完全相同,但其吸收谱数值却大的多:在0.3~0.55μm波段范围内的平均吸收/消光比超过70%。水平放置的T-SiNW消光谱数值最大、吸收谱数值最小,因此具有最强的光收集能力和最小的光吸收占比;同时,还可以将垂直入射光在近似水平的方向上散射出去。与对垂直偏振光相比, T-SiNW对平行偏振光的吸收系数更大,但吸收/消光占比更小。
利用水热合成方法制备了一种由Ag2S纳米颗粒均匀填充在片层状Ni O空隙内的Ni O-Ag2S复合纳米结构,该复合结构中Ni O与Ag2S均匀地融合在一起。通过SEM、二维EDX及XRD对该复合纳米结构的形貌、均一性、晶体特性进行了分析。以500 W氙灯为光源,考察了Ni O-Ag2S复合纳米结构光催化降解甲基橙能力。结果表明,Ni O-Ag2S复合纳米结构具有良好的光催化活性,不仅比单独的Ni O和Ag2S降解能力强,而且在光照180 min后的降解效率比Ni O和Ag2S的物理混合物(质量比为1∶1)高30%。分析认为Ni O-Ag2S复合纳米结构中形成的p-n结是其高效催化性能的重要因素。
Computational Study of Ternary Devices: Stable, Low-Cost,and Efficient Planar Perovskite Solar Cells被引量:1
Although perovskite solar cells with power conversion efficiencies(PCEs) more than 22% have been realized with expensive organic charge-transporting materials, their stability and high cost remain to be addressed. In this work, the perovskite configuration of MAPbX(MA = CH_3 NH_3,X = I_3, Br_3, or I_2Br) integrated with stable and low-cost Cu:Ni Oxhole-transporting material, ZnO electron-transporting material, and Al counter electrode was modeled as a planar PSC and studied theoretically. A solar cell simulation program(wx AMPS), which served as an update of the popular solar cell simulation tool(AMPS: Analysis of Microelectronic and Photonic Structures), was used. The study yielded a detailed understanding of the role of each component in the solar celland its effect on the photovoltaic parameters as a whole. The bandgap of active materials and operating temperature of the modeled solar cell were shown to influence the solar cell performance in a significant way. Further, the simulation results reveal a strong dependence of photovoltaic parameters on the thickness and defect density of the light-absorbing layers. Under moderate simulation conditions, the MAPb Br_3 and MAPbI _2 Br cells recorded the highest PCEs of 20.58 and 19.08%, respectively, while MAPbI_3 cell gave a value of 16.14%.
Sajid SajidAhmed Mourtada ElsemanJun JiShangyi DouDong WeiHao HuangPeng CuiWenkang XiLihua ChuYingfeng LiBing JiangMeicheng Li