In order to study cavitation characteristics of a 2-D hydrofoil, the method that combines nonlinear cavitation model and mixed-iteration is used to predict and analyze the cavitation performance of hydrofoils. The cavitation elements are nonlinearly disposed based on the Green formula and perturbation potential panel method. At the same time, the method that combines cavity shape for fixed cavity length (CSCL) iteration and cavity shape for fixed cavitation number (CSCN) iteration is used to work out the thickness and length of hydrofoil cavitations. Through analysis of calculation results, it can be concluded that the jump of pressure and velocity potentially exist between cavitation end area and non-cavitations area on suction surface when cavitation occurs on hydrofoil. In certain angles of attack, the cavitation number has a negative impact on the length of cavitations. And under the same angle of attack and cavitation number, the bigger the thickness of the hydrofoil, the shorter the cavitations length.
Chao Wang Chunyu Guo Xin Chang Sheng Huang Pusun Cao
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