采用分数阶Fourier变换对线性调频信号(Linear Frequency Modulation,LFM)进行检测与参数估计时,由于信号的特征未知,需要运用二维搜索方法确定分数阶Fourier变换的最佳旋转角度.该方法运算量巨大.为减少运算量,本文推导了欠采样前后LFM信号的分数阶Fourier变换最佳能量聚集旋转角度关系,证明了无噪LFM信号的调频率估计可以完全不受Nyquist采样定理的限制;通过推导分析欠采样含噪LFM信号在最佳分数阶Fourier域的信噪比,给出了欠采样倍数M对LFM信号检测的影响及其选取原则;最终提出一种基于欠采样理论的LFM信号快速检测方法.实验结果表明,当M选取合适时,利用原始信号的欠采样样本即可对LFM信号实现有效检测,快速确定其调频率.
The realization of the parameter estimation of chirp signals using the fractional Fourier transform (FRFT) is based on the assumption that the sampling duration of practical observed signals would be equal to the time duration of chirp signals contained in the former. However, in many actual circumstances, this assumption seems unreasonable. On the basis of analyzing the practical signal form, this paper derives the estimation error of the existing parameter estimation method and then proposes a novel and universal parameter estimation algorithm. Furthermore, the proposed algorithm is developed which allows the estimation of the practical observed Gaussian windowed chirp signal. Simulation results show that the new algorithm works well.