The emission of silicon quantum dots is weak when their surface is passivated well. Oxygen or nitrogen on the surface of silicon quantum dots can break the passivation to form localized electronic states in the band gap to generate active centers where stronger emission occurs. From this point of view, we can build up radiative matter for emission. Emissions of various wavelengths can be obtained by controlling the surface bonds of silicon quantum dots. Our experimental results demonstrate that annealing is important in the treatment of the activation, and stimulated emissions at about 600 and 700 nm take place on active silicon quantum dots.
A new nanolaser concept using silicon quantum dots (QDs) is proposed. The conduction band opened by the quantum confinement effect gives the pumping levels. Localized states in the gap due to some surface bonds on Si QDs can be formed for the activation of emission. An inversion of population can be generated between the localized states and the valence band in a QD fabricated by using a nanosecond pulse laser. Coupling between the active centres formed by localized states and the defect states of the two-dimensional (2D) photonic crystal can be used to select the model in the nanolaser.
Silicon quantum dots fabricated by nanosecond pulsed laser in nitrogen, oxygen or air atmosphere have enhanced photoluminescence (PL) emission with the stimulated emission observed at about 700 nm. It is difficult to distinguish between the photoluminescence peaks emitted from samples prepared in different atmospheres. The reason for the appearance of similar peaks may be the similar distribution of the localised states in the gap for different samples when silicon dangling bonds of quantum dots are passivated by nitrogen or oxygen. It is revealed that both the kind and the density of passivated bonds on quantum dot surface prepared in oxygen or nitrogen have a strong influence on the enhancement of PL emission.
The calculation results show that the bonding energy and electronic states of silicon quantum dots are different on various curved surfaces, for example, a Si-O-Si bridge bond on curved surface provides the localized levels in band gap and its bonding energy is shallower than that on facet. The red-shifting of PL spectra on smaller silicon quantum dots can be explained by curved surface effect. Experiments demonstrate that silicon quantum dots are activated for emission due to the localized levels provided in curved surface effect.
Zhong-mei Huang1 Xin-jian Miao1 Wei-qi Huang1 Han-qiong Cheng1 Qin Shu1 Shi-rong Liu2 Chao-jian Qin2 (1Institute of Nanophotonic Physics, Key Laboratory of Photoelectron Technology and Application, Guizhou University, Guiyang ,Guizhou 550025,China