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11 条 记 录,以下是 1-10
Responses and sensitivity of N, P and mobile carbohydrates of dominant species to increased water, N and P availability in semi- arid grasslands in northern China被引量:2
Aims We aimed to improve the understanding of the carbon and nutri-ent physiological responses and adaptation of semi-arid grassland plants to environmental changes.Methods We investigated plant leaf non-structural carbohydrate(NSC=solu-ble sugars+starch),nitrogen(N)and phosphorus(P)levels in an Inner Mongolian semi-arid grassland community treated with water,N and P additions for 8 years.Two dominant grasses(Agropyron cris-tatum(L.)Gaertn.,Stipa krylovii Roshev.)and two forbs(Artemisia frigida Willd.,Potentilla bifurca L.)were analyzed.Important Findings Water addition decreased plant leaf N and P concentrations,whereas N and P addition increased them,indicating that the semi-arid grassland studied suffers from a shortage of N and P sup-ply.Both N and P addition decreased the levels of soluble sugars,starch and thus also NSC in plant leaves,which may be attributed to(i)increased carbohydrate consumption associated with a higher growth rate,and(ii)a dilution effect of greater plant size under N and P addition.Water addition tended to increase the leaf NSC levels both in the grasses(+9.2%)and forbs(+0.6%only),which may be a result of increased photosynthesis of plants with increased water availability.Under conditions of ambient and increased water supply in the present study,N addition resulted in an N/P ratio of>16 in the grasses but a significantly lower N/P ratio of<11 in the forb species.This finding implies that growth of the two grass spe-cies will be limited mainly by P availability but the forbs will still be mainly limited by N supply if N deposition,alone or in combination with summer precipitation,continues to increase as predicted in Inner Mongolia.
Xue WangZhuwen XuCaifeng YanWentao LuoRuzhen WangXingguo HanYong JiangMai-He Li
基于华南热带次生林长达3年的氮(N)磷(P)添加实验,测定两种分布较广的林下乡土树种大青(Clerodendrum cyrtophyllum)和紫玉盘(Uvaria microcarpa)地上部(叶片和枝条)的N、P含量,试图阐明该热带森林的养分限制问题.结果显示:(1)两种植物的N、P含量差异极显著(P<0.001);同一植物中不同组织的N、P含量也存在差异;N、P添加对枝条的N、P含量影响最大,其次为新叶,对老叶的影响较小;(2)+N处理对大青和紫玉盘的N、P含量均无显著影响,但显著地降低了N:P(P=0.001),降低幅度分别为9%和50%;(3)+P处理对植物组织的N含量影响不显著,但极显著地提高了植物的P含量(P<0.001),分别提高了大青和紫玉盘P含量的54%和88%;+P处理极显著地降低了植物的N:P(P<0.001),其值分别为28%和60%;(4)+N或+P处理下,两种植物组织的P变化量与N:P变化量呈极显著负相关关系(P<0.001),可见植物P含量的变化是驱动N:P变化的主要因子.本研究表明,N、P添加对两种植物不同组织的N、P含量均有一定程度的影响,且+P处理的影响要大于+N处理,枝条比新叶、老叶对N、P添加的响应更敏感.因此,P素有效性可能是该热带地区植物生长的限制因子.
Influence of climate warming and nitrogen deposition on soil phosphorus composition and phosphorus availability in a temperate grassland,China被引量:13
Climate warming and nitrogen (N) deposition change ecosystem processes, structure, and functioning whereas the phosphorus (P) composition and availability directly influence the ecosystem structure under condi- tions of N deposition. In our study, four treatments were designed, including a control, diurnal warming (DW), N deposition (ND), and combined warming and N deposition (WN). The effects of DW, ND, and WN on P composition were studied by 3~p nuclear magnetic resonance (3~p NMR) spectroscopy in a temperate grassland region of China. The results showed that the N deposition decreased the soil pH and total N (TN) concentration but increased the soil OIsen-P concentration. The solution-state 31p NMR analysis showed that the DW, ND and WN treatments slightly decreased the proportion of orthophosphate and increased that of the monoesters. An absence of myo-inositol phosphate in the DW, ND and WN treatments was observed compared with the control. Furthermore, the DW, ND and WN treatments significantly decreased the recovery of soil P in the NaOH-EDTA solution by 17%-20%. The principal component analysis found that the soil pH was positively correlated with the P recovery in the NaOH-EDTA solution. Therefore, the decreased soil P recovery in the DW and ND treatments might be caused by an indirect influence on the soil pH. Additionally, the soil moisture content was the key factor limiting the available P. The positive correlation of total carbon (TC) and TN with the soil P composition indicated the influence of climate warming and N deposition on the biological processes in the soil P cycling.
Soil exchangeable base cations along a chronosequence of Caragana microphylla plantation in a semi-arid sandy land,China被引量:13
As a pioneer leguminous shrub species for vegetation re-establishment, Caragana microphylla is widely distributed in the semi-fixed and fixed sandy lands of the Horqin region, North China. C. microphylla planta- tions modify organic carbon (SOC), nitrogen (N) and phosphorus dynamics, bulk density and water-holding capacity and biological activities in soils, but little is known with regard to soil exchange properties. Variation in soil ex- changeable base cations was examined under C. microphylla plantations with an age sequence of 0, 5, 10, and 22 years in the Horqin Sandy Land, and at the depth of 0-10, 10-20, and 20-30 cm, respectively. C. microphylla has been planted on the non-vegetated sand dunes with similar physical-chemical soil properties. The results showed that exchangeable calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), and potassium (K), and cation exchange capacity (CEC) were significantly increased, and Ca saturation tended to decrease, while Mg and K saturations were increased with the plantation years. No difference was observed for exchangeable sodium (Na) neither with plantation years nor at soil depths. Of all the base cations and soil layers, exchangeable K at the depth of 0-10 cm accumulated most quickly, and it increased by 1.76, 3.16, and 4.25 times, respectively after C. microphylla was planted for 5, 10, and 22 years. Exchangeable Ca, Mg, and K, and CEC were significantly (P〈0.001) and positively correlated with SOC, total N, pH and electrical conductivity (EC). Soil pH and SOC are regarded as the main factors influencing the variation in ex- changeable cations, and the preferential absorption of cations by plants and different leaching rates of base cations that modify cation saturations under C. microphylla plantation. It is concluded that as a nitrogen-fixation species, C. microphylla plantation is beneficial to increasing exchangeable base cations and CEC in soils, and therefore can improve soil fertility and create favorable microenvironments for plants and crea
木质残体(Woody debris,WD)是森林生态系统中一个重要的碳库和营养源,在全球变暖、氮(N)沉降日益严重的今天,研究N、磷(P)沉降影响WD分解的反应机制对于应对环境变化具有重要意义.以小良热带阔叶林尾叶桉(Eucalyptus urophylla)WD为研究对象,人工模拟N和P添加对尾叶桉WD分解速率及养分释放的影响.结果表明:与对照相比,N添加使WD分解速率常数k降低了11%,而P添加显著提高分解速率常数k(P=0.027),上升幅度为6%.这表明,富N缺P的热带森林,P的可利用性限制了WD分解速率,P限制有利于WD中碳的固存.N添加、P添加改变了尾叶桉WD分解过程中N元素的迁移模式,与对照相比,两种处理均使N元素迁移方式由直接释放改变为淋溶—富集—释放,而对分解过程中P元素的迁移模式有不同影响,N添加使P元素的迁移方式由直接释放改变为淋溶—富集—释放,P添加使P元素的迁移方式改变为富集—释放.分解过程中质量残留率与分解过程中C/N比、C/P比呈显著负相关(P<0.01).可见,N、P沉降的增加对WD分解速率和养分释放模式有不同的效应.
在7年的养分添加(对照、低磷、低氮、低氮高磷和高氮低磷)试验基础上,测定了内蒙古半干旱典型草原优势种大针茅(Stipa grandis)和羊草(Leymus chinensis)叶片氮、磷、可溶性碳水化合物和淀粉含量。结果表明:两物种叶片氮、可溶性碳水化合物、淀粉及非结构性碳水化合物含量对养分添加有显著的响应(P<0.05),养分添加与物种有显著的交互作用(P<0.05);加氮显著增加了两物种植物叶片氮含量(P<0.05),单加N处理显著降低了两物种叶片中的淀粉含量(P<0.05),单加磷处理显著增加了羊草叶片可溶性碳水化合物含量(P<0.05),高氮低磷处理显著降低两物种叶片非结构性碳水化合物总量(P<0.05)。大针茅叶片各变量对磷添加无明显的响应,其叶片相对较高的C/N、C/P和可溶性碳水化合物/淀粉比,表明其具有相对较高的可直接利用的碳水化合物以及较高的氮、磷养分利用效率;羊草对外源养分的添加具有相对较强的竞争吸收能力。
Sheep manure application increases soil exchangeable base cations in a semi-arid steppe of Inner Mongolia被引量:9
The long-term productivity of a soil is greatly influenced by cation exchange capacity(CEC).Moreover,interactions between dominant base cations and other nutrients are important for the health and stability of grassland ecosystems.Soil exchangeable base cations and cation ratios were examined in a 11-year experiment with sheep manure application rates 0–1,500 g/(m2?a) in a semi-arid steppe in Inner Mongolia of China,aiming to clarify the relationships of base cations with soil p H,buffer capacity and fertility.Results showed that CEC and contents of exchangeable calcium(Ca2+),magnesium(Mg2+),potassium(K+) and sodium(Na+) were significantly increased,and Ca2+ saturation tended to decrease,while K+ saturation tended to increase with the increases of sheep manure application rates.The Ca2+/Mg2+ and Ca2+/K+ ratios decreased,while Mg2+,K+ and Na+ saturations increased with increasing manure application rates.Both base cations and CEC were significantly and positively correlated with soil organic carbon(SOC) and soil p H.The increases of SOC and soil p H would be the dominant factors that contribute to the increase of cations in soil.On a comparison with the initial soil p H before the experiment,we deduced that sheep manure application could partly buffer soil p H decrease potentially induced by atmospheric deposition of nitrogen and sulfur.Our results indicate that sheep manure application is beneficial to the maintenance of base cations and the buffering of soil acidification,and therefore can improve soil fertility in the semi-arid steppes of northeastern China.
YuGe ZHANGShan YANGMingMing FUJiangPing CAIYongYong ZHANGRuZhen WANGZhuWen XUYongFei BAIYong JIANG
全球碳平衡中,土壤有机碳储量为2 000 Pg,植被碳储量500 Pg,大气碳储量785 Pg,土壤中有机碳变化是影响大气温室气体含量的重要因素。中国人工林总量世界第一,可以通过造林树种的选择,增加森林土壤的碳汇功能,它主要通过4种机理来实现,包括稳定性有机-矿物复合体的形成、持久性封存的深层碳的增加、耐分解有机物成份的积累、以及土壤团聚体结构中碳的物理性保护。中国近年来对木材的需求上升,导致大量短轮伐期人工林的种植,采伐、火烧炼山、施肥与整地等营林措施对土壤碳汇功能形成重大影响。因而,通过加强对中国人工林土壤固碳机理的研究,通过人为措施实现具有较强固碳能力的森林类型,从而提高人工森林生态系统的固碳能力,它对中国减排增汇战略具有重要意义,而加强对不同营林措施对碳汇功能影响的研究是中国当前面临的重大课题。
陆地生态系统氮沉降增加可导致土壤酸化,从而可能造成土壤生态系统结构和功能的退化。依托内蒙古典型草地设置的模拟氮沉降试验,研究了连续6年9个氮添梯度(0、1、2、3、5、10、15、20、50 g m^(-2)a^(-1)),2个氮添加频次(一年两次或一月一次)及2种管理方式(封育或刈割)等4种模式对土壤p H和电导率的影响。结果表明,4种模式下氮添加量3 g m^(-2)a^(-1)以下4个处理间的土壤p H无显著差异,在氮添加量为20 g m^(-2)a^(-1)(与我国粮食作物年施氮量接近)时,土壤p H分别比对照平均降低了1.1~1.9个单位;封育一年两次添加氮素在添加量5 g m^(-2)a^(-1)以上时土壤p H显著下降,而封育每月一次添加氮素在添加量20 g m^(-2)a^(-1)以上时,土壤p H才出现显著下降的现象。4种模式下土壤p H与土壤阳离子交换量及土壤交换性钙呈极显著正相关,说明高量氮添加促进了土壤中盐基离子的耗竭。高量氮添加(50 g m^(-2)a^(-1))显著增加了土壤EC值;除封育每月一次添加氮素处理外,氮添加10 g m^(-2)a^(-1)以下各处理间的土壤电导率(EC)无显著差异;土壤EC值与土壤硝态氮含量呈极显著正相关。研究结果将为我国北方半干旱草地土壤酸化的量化表征及氮素管理提供数据支撑。