In nearly all chemical and petrochemical systems, separation of products generally accounts for more than 50% of the capital cost and the greatest part of the energy consumption. It is generally believed that membrane systems can offer benefits in both reducing the energy consumption of the separation stages and lowering the capital expenditure (CAPEX). Microporous ceramic membranes have the potential to overcome the limitation in polymer membranes operation, which has been the subject of a large amount of research worldwide in the last two decades. And most of the research has aimed at the production of the asymmetric multilayered membrane based on amorphous oxides by sol-gel techniques. The paper is to give an overview of publications on ceramic membranes, including less common materials of titania, zirconia, which can be used for pervaporation in corrosive media. Commercially available microporous membranes based on these membrane materials and the membrane economics are also summarized.
α-亚麻酸在加热条件下通过胶束内聚合可转化为能够耐受高温水热环境的介观模板,用此硬模板在高温水热条件下直接合成了微孔-介孔二氧化硅及掺铝介孔二氧化硅.用X射线衍射(XRD)、氮气吸附及透射电镜等手段对材料进行了表征.结果表明,所得材料在沸水中处理5 d后仍保持670 m2/g的比表面积.透射电镜和NLDFT孔径分析结果显示,所得材料同时具备介孔和微孔结构.29Si MAS NMR谱图显示,完全缩聚的Q4型硅是材料中主要的硅组分,致使材料具有高的水热稳定性.