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9 条 记 录,以下是 1-10
目的对体重指数(BMI)标准和新建腰围界值点在参照人群中筛查超重、肥胖结果进行比较,验证后者的有效性。方法以两部分参照人群(沿海大城市和北方乡村)为目标人群,对象分别有27 256名和35 932名,7~22岁汉族大中小学生。同时使用BMI、腰围标准筛查超重、肥胖,分析筛查一致率。结果腰围界值点所筛超重、肥胖率显著高于BMI标准;两项标准的筛查结果不一致率很高,原因与腰围标准的超重、肥胖界值点设置偏低有关;界值的偏低程度肥胖大于超重,女大于男。超重/肥胖错判率北方乡村群体显著高于大城市,与前者较低的体格发育水平关联。结论腰围界值点应适度提高,减少错筛率。就提高腰围标准的准确性提出建议。
Earlier Menarche Can Be an Indicator of More Body Fat:Study of Sexual Development and Waist Circumference in Chinese Girls被引量:1
Objective This paper aims to study the relationship between body fat and sexual development in Chinese girls with different waist circumference.Methods Six thousand one hundred and fifty six girls aged 6-19 were sampled.Their body weight,height,waist circumference,percentage of body fat and secondary sex characteristics were measured.All the subjects were divided into three groups:low class waist circumference,moderate class waist circumference and high class waist circumference.The menarche percentages were analyzed by using the status method.The menarche ages were analyzed by using the retrospective method.Estimates for mean age at entry into a pubertal stage and menarche were calculated by a probit analysis.Results The incidences of moderate class and high class waist circumstance were 20.94% and 25.27%,respectively.The sexual development of the former was earlier than that of the latter.The percentages of the menarche were detected as high classmoderate classlow class.The menarche ages were expressed as high classmoderate classlow class.Conclusion A close association is found between the waist circumference and sexual development,especially the menarche age.Girls with high class waist circumference are more vulnerable to earlier menarche and excess body fat.It is important to control the occurrence of central obesity through monitoring the change of waist circumference in puberty for girls' health.
GUO XiaoYan JI ChengYe
Secular Changes on the Distribution of Body Mass Index among Chinese Children and Adolescents, 1985-2010被引量:9
Objective To analyze the change in Body Mass Index (BMI) distribution among Chinese children and adolescents for the development of more effective intervention for childhood obesity. Methods Data on the national students' constitution and health survey between 1985 and 2010 was used for this study. Subjects were students aged 7-18 randomly selected from 30 provinces in China. BMI for-age curves were developed by LMS method, and the trend of BMI distribution was determined by comparing the upper BMI percentiles and analyzing the skew shift of distribution between 2985 and 2010. Results An overall positive swift trend of BMI between 1985 and 2010 was observed among the Chinese school-age children and adolescents. The average median of the BMI increased from 16.8 and 17.0 ks/m2 to 18.2 and 17.9 kg/m2 in 25 years, with increments 0.56 and 0.36 kg/m2 per decade for males and females, respectively. The more obvious increments were found at the high BMI. The total increments of BMI in this period were 4.03 and 2.20 kg/m2 at the 85th, 6.24 and 3.57 kg/m2 at the 95th, and 6.99 and 4.27 kg/m2 at the 97th percentiles, for males and females, respectively. Conclusion Obvious increments were observed at high BMI of the Chinese children and adolescents. More effective interventions should be taken for control and prevention of obesity and its health consequence for these subgroups. It is necessary to establish a risk-complex system consisting of the identification of BMI scope, the screen of the disease risk factors and the assessment of excessive adiposity.
JI Cheng YeCHEN Tian JiaoSUN Xiao
Secular Changes of Stature in Rural Children and Adolescents in China, 1985-2010被引量:9
Objective To analyze and assess secular change in stature in rural children and adolescents in China from 1985 to 2010. Methods Data were obtained from the 6 rounds of the Chinese National Survey on Student's Constitution and Health. The subjects enrolled in the study were children and adolescents aged 7-18 years in rural areas of provincial capitals. Results An overall positive secular trend in stature occurred in rural areas of provincial capitals in China from 1985 to 2010. The overall average increase rates were 3.1 and 2.4 cm/decade for boys and girls, respectively. The total body height increases for grown up boys and girls were 3.6 and 2.3 cm and the increase rates were 1.4 and 0.9 cm/decade, respectively. There were differences in body height increase among eastern, central and western regions. The average body height of the children or adolescents in eastern region was highest, followed by central region and western region. The overall increase rates in central region were highest among the three regions. The difference between eastern/central region and western region was obvious. 〈br〉 Conclusion Positive secular trend in stature of children or adolescents has occurred in rural area of China, and rural boys and girls showed a great potential for continuous growth. More attention should be paid to the differences in children's body height between western region and eastern/central region.
CHEN Tian JiaoJI Cheng Ye
Secular Change in Stature of Urban Chinese Children and Adolescents, 1985-2010被引量:9
Objective Research evidence shows a secular trend in Chinese physical growth in recent years.The aim of this study was to analyze and assess changes in stature of children and adolescents during the 25 years from 1985‐2010,using national data.Methods Data came from successive cycles of the Chinese National Survey on Students' Constitution and Health(CNSSCH).Subjects were 7‐ to 18‐year‐old children and adolescents.Results An overall positive secular trend occurred in urban China during 1985‐2010.The overall average rates of increment were 2.4 and 1.7 cm/decade for boys and girls,respectively.Total increases in adult stature for boys and girls were 2.6 and 1.7 cm,yielding rates of 1.0 and 0.7 cm/decade,respectively.Cities with different socioeconomic levels had different characteristic trends.Mean stature increases in big cities were larger than those in moderate and small cities,and boys and girls in moderate and small cities showed greater potential for growth in stature.Conclusion An overall positive secular growth trend was associated with socioeconomic progress and differed with area socioeconomic levels.School policies and strategies should be developed based on increased stature,and should continue narrowing the inequity between different socioeconomic populations.
CHEN Tian JiaoJI Cheng Ye
【目的】分析不同腰围女青少儿体脂肪和性发育的关系。【方法】选择6 157名6~18岁女孩,依据中国汉族学龄儿童青少年腰围正常值的第75和第95百分位数(P75、P95),划分为适宜腰围、偏大腰围和较大腰围组,分析各组身高、体重、体脂率、第二性征分期,现状法分析来潮状况,回顾法分析初潮年龄。【结果】偏大腰围、较大腰围检出率分别为29.35%和16.86%,其性发育明显超前于同龄适宜腰围者。来潮率表现为:较大腰围组〉偏大腰围组〉适宜腰围组,初潮年龄表现为:较大腰围组〈偏大腰围组〈适宜腰围组。【结论】腰围与性发育(尤其初潮年龄)早晚密切相关。通过监测腰围变化控制中心性肥胖发生,对青春期少女健康至关重要。