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8 条 记 录,以下是 1-9
Basic Plasma Processes in Solar-Terrestrial Activities
<正>Within the known universe,more than 99%of all observable matter is plasma,a state often highly dynamic and ...
WU DeJin 1 &FENG HengQiang 2 1 Purple Mountain Observatory,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Nanjing 210008,China
Exact solutions of dispersion equation for MHD waves with short-wavelength modification被引量:4
Dispersive magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) waves with short-wavelength modification have an important role in transforming energy from waves into particles.In this paper,based on the two-fluid mode,a dispersion equation,including the short-wavelength effect,and its exact solution are presented.The outcome is responsible for the short-wavelength modification versions of the three ideal MHD modes (i.e.the fast,slow and Alfve'n).The results show that the fast and Alfve'n modes are modified considerably by the shortwavelength effect mainly in the quasi-parallel and quasi-perpendicular propagation directions,respectively,while the slow mode can be affected by the short-wavelength effect in all propagation directions.On the other hand,the dispersive modification occurs primarily in the finite-β regime of 0.001 < β < 1 for the fast mode and in the high-β regime of 0.1 < β < 10 for the slow mode.For the Alfve'n mode,the dispersive modification occurs from the low-β regime of β < 0.001 through the high-β regime of β > 1.
Effects of power-law spectrum behaviors of nonthermal electrons on a ring-beam maser instability被引量:1
The electron-cyclotron maser (ECM) emission driven by nonthermal electrons is one of the most crucial mechanisms responsible for radio emissions in magnetized planets, for the interplanetary medium (IPM) and for the laboratory microwave generation devices. Major astrophysical observations demonstrate that nonthermal electrons frequently have a negative power-law spectrum with a lower energy cutoff and anisotropic distribution in the velocity space. In this paper, the effects of power-law spectrum behaviors of electrons on a ring-beam maser emission are considered. The results show that the growth rates of O1 and X2 modes decrease rapidly for small A (the dispersion of momentum u). Because of the lower energy cutoff behavior, the nonthermal electrons with large a still can excite the ECM instability efficiently. The present analysis also includes the effects of parameter β (βu0 is the dispersion of perpendicular momentum ui, u0 the average value of u) on the instability. The growth rate of X2 mode decreases with parameter v0 (v0 = u⊥o/uo, U⊥0 is the average value of u⊥). But for O1 mode, the relationship between the growth rate and v0 is complicated. It also shows that the growth rates are very sensitive to frequency ratio Ω (frequency ratio of electron cyclotron frequency to plasma frequency).
Effects of inelastic collisions on Alfvn waves in partially ionized plasmas被引量:1
Based on a three-component description of partially ionized plasmas(i.e.,electrons,ions,and neutral atoms),effects of inelastic collisions between ions(neutrals)and electrons on Alfve′n waves(AWs)in a partially ionized plasma are studied.It is shown that for a fixed ionizability(i)or a fixed inelastic collision parameter(v,i.e.,the ratio of the inelastic to elastic collision frequency),the damping rate of AWs has a peak value round kz vA/min*1,where kz is the parallel wavenumber of AWs,vA is the Alfve′n velocity,and min is the elastic collision frequency between ions and neutrals.On the other hand,the damping rate of AWs decreases monotonously with the ionizabilityi for a fixed inelastic collision parameter,but has a peak value when the inelastic collision parameter varies for sufficiently small ionizability(i\0:1).For sufficiently large ionizability(i[0:1),it is found that the damping rate decreases with the inelastic collision parameter.The results may help us to understand the physics of AWs in partially ionized plasmas.
Bing LiLing ChenDejin Wu
Basic Plasma Processes in Solar-Terrestrial Activities被引量:2
Within the known universe,more than 99%of all observable matter is plasma,a state often highly dynamic and far from thermal,as well as mechanical,equilibrium.In particular,for our own solar-terrestrial system,various plasma active phenomena frequently occur such as solar flares,coronal plasma heating,solar wind acceleration,and coronal mass ejections in the solar atmosphere;interplanetary magnetic clouds and collisionless shock waves in interplanetary space;and
WU DeJinFENG HengQiang
On theories of solar type Ⅲ radio bursts
In solar radiophysics,many theories for type Ⅲ bursts have been proposed during the past 60 years.Almost all these theories are based on the plasma hypothesis,which assumes that(i)the radiation is mainly generated by Langmuir waves via nonlinear processes and(ii)the radiation has frequencies close to the local plasma frequency and/or its second harmonic in the source region. We feel strongly that it is time to advocate an alternative approach without recourse to the plasma hypothesis.This brief discussion explains why.
WU ChingSheng
Euler potentials'discontinuity in the presence of field line-aligned currents
Since their use in the study of charged particle motion in the 1960s,Euler potentials(α ,β)have been widely employed as magnetic field coordinates in both space plasma and fusion plasma studies.People related them to magnetic vector potential A via the relation A=α▽β subject to gauge condition A·B=0(B is the magnetic induction).For a given magnetic field,the Euler potentials are often constructed with the relation B·△ S=△α△βon a surface that crosses the field lines,where △ S is the area-element surrounding by two line-elements corresponding to the changes in α and β,then mapping the values of α and βalong field lines into space.In this short paper,we show that in the presence of field line-aligned currents,the mapping does not work and the orthogonality gauge condition is not satisfied.
Dispersion Equation of Low-Frequency Waves Driven by Temperature Anisotropy
The plasma temperature (or the kinetic pressure) anisotropy is an intrinsic characteristic of a collisionless magnetized plasma. In this paper, based on the two-fluid model, a dispersion equation of low-frequency (ω〈〈ωci, ωci the ion gyrofrequency) waves, including the plasma temperature anisotropy effect, is presented. We investigate the properties of low-frequency waves when the parallel temperature exceeds the perpendicular temperature, and especially their dependence on the propagation angle, pressure anisotropy, and energy closures. The results show that both the instable Alfven and slow modes are purely growing. The growth rate of the Alfven wave is not affected by the propagation angle or energy closures, while that of the slow wave depends sensitively on the propagation angle and energy closures as well as pressure anisotropy. The fast wave is always stable. We also show how to elaborate the symbolic calculation of the dispersion equation performed using Mathematica Notebook.
Electromagnetic ion-cyclotron instability driven by combined loss-cone and temperature anisotropy distribution of suprathermal ions
Electromagnetic ion cyclotron (EMIC) waves,particularly their generation and excitation mechanisms,have been a subject of wide interest because of their potential importance in ion acceleration and heating.In this work,the parameter-dependence of EMIC instabilities is investigated with a combined loss-cone and temperature anisotropy distribution for suprathermal ions.The calculation of the linear growth rate of EMIC waves with an arbitrary propagation angle is presented.The results show that the growth rates of EMIC waves propagating quasi-perpendicular to the ambient magnetic field increase as the loss-cone parameter α increases,whereas the growth rates of EMIC waves propagating quasi-parallel to the ambient magnetic field increase as the temperature anisotropy parameter AT increases.This indicates that the free energies associated with the loss-cone and temperature anisotropic distributions are primarily responsible for the excitation of the quasi-perpendicular and parallel propagating EMIC waves,respectively,and provides us with a more comprehensive understanding of excitation and generation mechanisms for EMIC waves in space plasmas.
HUA YuePing WU DeJin WANG DeYu