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10 条 记 录,以下是 1-10
Normal Faulting Type Earthquake Activities in the Tibetan Plateau and Its Tectonic Implication被引量:3
This paper analyzes various earthquake fault types, mechanism solutions, stress field as well as other geophysical data to study the crust movement in the Tibetan plateau and its tectonic implications. The results show that a lot of normal faulting type earthquakes concentrate in the central Tibetan plateau. Many of them are nearly perfect normal fault events. The strikes of the fault planes of the normal faulting earthquakes are almost in the N-S direction based on the analyses of the equal area projection diagrams of fault plane solutions. It implies that the dislocation slip vectors of the normal faulting type events have quite great components in the E-W direction. The extension is probably an eastward extensional motion, mainly a tectonic active regime in the altitudes of the plateau. The tensional stress in the E-W or WNW-ESE direction predominates the earthquake occurrence in the normal event region of the central plateau. A number of thrust fault and strike-slip fault type earthquakes with strong compressive stress nearly in the NNE-SSW direction occurred on the edges of the plateau. The eastward extensional motion in the Tibetan plateau is attributable to the eastward movement of materials in the upper mantle based on_seismo-tomographic results. The eastward extensional motion in the Tibetan plateau may be related to the eastward extrusion of hotter mantle materials beneath the east boundary of the plateau. The northward motion of the Tibetan plateau shortened in the N-S direction probably encounters strong obstructions at the western and northern margins. Extensional motions from the relaxation of the topography and/or gravitational collapse in the altitudes of the plateau occur hardly in the N-S direction. The obstruction for the plateau to move eastward is rather weak.
XU Jiren ZHAO Zhixin
深井地震与地球物理观测(Borehole Seismology)是21世纪的一项崭新的高科技项目.其目的是为了解决地球的表面效应和人类社会高度发展的城市化、工业化、现代化带来的噪音干扰,提高信噪比,推进现代地球物理观测与研究.随着地球系统科学的深入以及解决环境、资源、地震灾害预报等问题的需求,近年来世界大陆科学钻探以及在钻孔深井内进行的地球物理长期观测得到了飞速发展,取得了高精度的观测研究成果.中国大陆科学钻探长期观测在前期工作基础上,已经启动并正在构建我国第一个无地面干扰的深井地震、地球物理长期观测站,为实现我国的"入地"科学计划,开创我国21世纪地球科学观测研究的新局面作出贡献.
Three-dimensional crustal velocity structure of P-wave in East China from wide-angle reflection and refraction surveys被引量:16
The 3-D crustal structure of P-wave velocity in East China is studied based on the data obtained by wide-angle seismic reflection and refraction surveys.The results suggest that a deep Moho disconti-nuity exists in the western zone of the study region,being 35―48 thick.High-velocity structure zones exist in the upper crust shallower than 20 km beneath the Sulu and Dabie regions.The cause of high-velocity zones is attributable to high-pressure metamorphic(HPM) and ultra-high-pressure metamorphic(UHPM) terranes with high velocity and density exhuming up to the upper crust in the Sulu and Dabie orogenies.Anomalous zones of low velocity are in the lower crust,about 30 km beneath the Sulu and Dabie regions.The Moho discontinuity is as deep as 38 km beneath the Dabie region,deeper than those in the surrounding areas.The Moho discontinuity beneath the Sulu orogenic region is also a little deeper than those in its vicinity,being about 32 km.The deep Moho discontinuity zone implies that the low crustal velocity structure zone is in that region.The low-velocity characteristics in the lower crust are probably related to the remnant crustal root of the old mountains due to the orogeny in the Sulu and Dabie regions.The high-velocity anomalous zones in the upper crust and low-velocity anomalous zones in the lower crust beneath the Sulu region are all located northeast of the northern segment of the Tan-Lu fault.However,the high-and low-velocity anomalous zones beneath the Dabie region are located southwest of the southern segment of the Tan-Lu fault.Such a distribution of the velocity-anomalous zones looks to be attributable a left lateral slip motion along the Tan-Lu fault.The distribution pattern of the velocity-anomalous zones may show some evidence for the left strike-slip motion regime of the Tan-Lu fault.
ZHAO ZhiXin XU JiRen
Compressive Tectonics around Tibetan Plateau Edges
Various earthquake fault types, mechanism solutions, stress field, and other geophysical data were analyzed for study on the crust movement in the Tibetan plateau and its tectonic implications. The results show that numbers of thrust fault and strike-slip fault type earthquakes with strong compressive stress near NNE-SSW direction occurred in the edges around the plateau except the eastern boundary. Some normal faulting type earthquakes concentrate in the Central Tibetan plateau. The strikes of fault planes of thrust and strike-slip faulting earthquakes are almost in the E-W direction based on the analyses of the Wulff stereonet diagrams of fault plane solutions. This implies that the dislocation slip vectors of the thrust and strike-slip faulting type events have quite great components in the N-S direction. The compression motion mainly probably plays the tectonic active regime around the plateau edges. The compressive stress in N-S or NE-SW directions predominates earthquake occurrence in the thrust and strike-slip faulting event region around the plateau. The compressive motion around the Tibetan plateau edge is attributable to the northward motion of the Indian subcontinent plate. The northward motion of the Tibetan plateau shortened in the N-S direction encounters probably strong obstructions at the western and northern margins.
Continental Dynamics in High Tibetan Plateau: Normal Faulting Type Earthquake Activities and Mechanisms
Various earthquake fault types were analyzed for this study on the crust movement in the high region of the Tibetan plateau by analyzing mechanism solutions and stress fields. The results show that a lot of normal faulting type earthquakes are concentrated in the central High Tibetan plateau. Many of them are nearly perfect normal fault events. The strikes of the fault planes of normal faulting earthquakes are almost in an N-S direction based on the analyses of the Wulff stereonet diagrams of fault plane solutions. It implies that the dislocation slip vectors of the normal faulting type events have quite great components in the E-W direction. The extensions probably are an eastward extensional mo- tion, being mainly a tectonic active regime in the plateau altitudes. The tensional stress in the E-W or NWW-SEE direction predominates earthquake occurrences in the normal event region of the central plateau. The eastward extensional motion in the high Tibetan plateau is attributable to the gravitational collapse of the high plateau and the eastward extrusion of hotter mantle materials beneath the east boundary of the plateau. Extensional motions from the relaxation of the topography and/or gravitational collapse in the high plateau hardly occurred along the N-S direction. The obstruction for the plateau to move eastward is rather weak.
Geothermic activity and seismotectonics in the altitude of the Tibetan plateau
In the present analysis on the relationships among the depth of lithosphere brittle fracture, seismotectonics and geothermal anomalous active in Tibetan plateau were investigated using the seismic dada from ISC and Chinese seismic net and geothermal data. The results suggest that the region of anomalously geothermal activity almost coincides with that of the normal faulting type earthquake. The geothermal anomaly activity region coincides spatially with that of the events deeper than 60 km as well as. The normal faulting earthquakes may be mainly tectonic activity regimes until 110 km deep in the thermal anomaly region. The strike directions of events are likely the N-S direction, coinciding with the strike of the thermal anomaly active belts. The earthquakes align along the normal faults and faulted-depression zone with the N-S direction. The thermal anomaly activity also distributes along the faulted-depression zone. Many events deeper than 60 km exist in the anomalously geothermal activity region in the plateau. Events extend to bottom of the lithosphere of 110 km from the surface, like columnar seismic crowd. The lithosphere extends along the E-W direction due to the E-W extensional stress in the central and southern Tibetan plateau, altitude of the plateau. The t6nsional stress in the E-W results in the lithosphere fractures and the normal faults striking N-S direction, grabens and faulted-depression zones. Thermal material from the asthenosphere wells upward to the surface along deep seismic fractures and faults through the thick crust. The anomalously thermal activities are attributable to the upwelling thermal material from the mantle in the altitude of Tibetan plateau.
Jiren Xu Zhixin Zhao
应用人工爆破地震波层析成像方法勘探地下速度结构。在海域、山地多种地质条件下进行了地震波层析成像方法定量勘探研究。依勘探目标体而异,通过设计震源频率、震源和观测仪器布局,提高观测分辨率,实现定量高精度速度结构勘探研究。勘探最大深度可达Moho界面;山地最高分辨率可达3 m。结果显示了该方法在近海区域和山区不同地质条件的适用性及不同勘探深度与勘探精度的实用性。在日本九州近海地域勘测中,同时使用了反射与折射2种走时资料,可以同时改善水平及垂向的分辨率。成像图显示了地下结构详细特征,如任意斜向的凹凸形状,或高角度逆冲错断构造,分辨率达到10 m。同时显示出这些复杂几何体的埋藏深度。结果表明,诸如地下断层形状,资源矿藏储舱结构异常体的复杂几何形状,都可期望在层析成像技术的勘探分辨能力之内。它对于地下结构研究,矿产资源勘探,工程环境地质研究都有重要意义。结果也显示了成像方法的运算收敛速度和计算稳定性在结构勘探中是适用的。