北半球针叶林最严重的森林病害是由广义的多年异担子菌(Heterobasidion annosum sensu lato)引起的干基白色腐朽病,但近年的研究表明多年异担子菌并不是单一的物种,目前在欧洲已分出3个独立的种,即原始多年异担子菌(Heterobasidion annosum sensu stricto)、小孔异担子菌(Heterobasidion parviporum)和冷杉异担子菌(Heterobasidi-on abietinum),它们生物学习性、形态结构,生态学,寄主范围和发生区域均有差异。应用大伏革菌Phlebiopsisgigantea对该类病害进行生物防治是较好的方法。将中国东北和西南(云南)的异担子菌单孢菌株与欧洲的三种异担子菌进行交配,结果表明中国东北和西南地区的异担子菌与原始多年异担子菌无性亲和反应,而与小孔异担子菌有性融合反应,因此中国东北和西南地区的异担子菌是小孔异担子菌,目前中国并不存在原始多年异担子菌。由于原始多年异担子菌和冷杉异担子菌均为严重的森林病原菌,应将其作为对外检疫对象。
Poroid Aphylloporales’ growth on Quercus mongolica in Northeastern China wasinvestigated during 1993-2004. The wood of the Mongolian oak seems to be good substratum forpolypores, and 75 species were recorded from the tree or its wood. Out of them 21 species (ca. 28%)are considered as rare species, 30 species (ca. 40%) as occasional species, and 24 species (ca. 32%) ascommon species. Ten species are the pathogens on the Mongolian oak. Most of the polypores werefound on other trees as well, but 14 species live exclusively on Q. mongolica.