基于无机铜(以下简称铜)对中、美淡水水生动物的毒性数据,构建了中、美水生动物对铜的SSD(物种敏感度分布)曲线,比较了中、美物种的HC5(hazardous concentration at 5thpercentile of the species,保护95%以上物种的浓度水平)及其差异.结果表明:在HC5下,中国的水生动物对铜的敏感性排序为节肢动物>非节肢动物>鱼类,无脊椎动物>脊椎动物;而美国不同物种对铜的敏感性排序为非节肢动物>节肢动物>鱼类,无脊椎动物>脊椎动物.根据铜短期暴露的HC5对中、美物种敏感性进行比较可知,中国鱼类、节肢动物和脊椎动物的敏感性均大于美国相应物种;而中国非节肢无脊椎动物和无脊椎动物均小于美国相应物种.研究所选的美国全部物种对铜的敏感性略高于中国物种,但二者仅相差0.52μgL.除非节肢无脊椎动物外,中、美水生生物对铜的SSD敏感性分布均未见显著差异.因此,在推导中国水质基准时应注重考虑敏感性物种(如节肢动物).
The concentrations of PAHs in the surface waters from seven river basins in China were summarized from literature published from 2000-2010. Subsequently, the risks from individual PAHs and Y. PAHs in the surface waters of China were quantified by comparing the overlap between the probability distributions of exposure concentrations with the probability distributions of toxicity data. The results show that the concentrations of 15 PAHs in the surface waters ranged from 3.09 to 38139.00 ng L-a, with a geometric mean of 474.93 ng L-1. The significantly higher concentrations of the 15 PAHs occurred in the surface waters from northern China when compared with those from southern China. The concentrations of the 15 PAHs in Chinese surface waters were higher than those in other waters worldwide. The MOSI0 (margin of safety) values were calculated at 90th percen- tile values of exposure concentrations and 10th percentile values of toxicity data, with 5.75, 0.17, 2.33, 0.30, 0.57, 1.74, 1.05, and 0.11 for Ace, Ant, Flu, BaP, Flua, Nap, Phe, and Pyr, respectively. The probabilities of the individual PAH concentrations exceeding the 10th percentile value of the toxicity data were 6.06%, 2.07%, 9.51%, and 2.07% for Nap, Ace, Phe, and Flu, re- spectively, suggesting minimal risk to aquatic organisms; however, the probabilities of BaP, Ant, Flua, and Pyr exceeding this value were 19.49%, 25.46%, 15.15%, and 30.50%, respectively, indicating potential risks. Among the individual PAHs, the ecological risk from Pyr was the highest, followed by, in descending order of risk, Ant, Bap, Flua, Phe, Nap, Flu, and Ace. Additionally, the combined ecological risk of ~ PAH8 in Chinese surface waters was significantly higher than any that of in- dividual PAHs alone. The MOS0 values in the river basins were 〈 1, except for the Haihe River Basin, suggesting a potential combined risk from E PAH8 in the other six fiver basins. The probabilities calculation indicate that low to high ecological risk from E PAH8 for all aquatic species was re
根据近10年来(2000~2010年)国内外文献报道,对中国7大流域地表水体15种PAHs的含量及其分布特征进行系统地分析和总结,并基于可利用的毒性数据,利用安全阈值法(Margin of Safety,MOS10)评价了8种单体PAHs对水生生物的生态风险和∑PAH8混合物对水生生物的联合生态风险.结果表明,中国地表水体15种PAHs含量的变化范围为3.09~38139.00ng/L,几何均值为474.93ng/L,高于国外水体PAHs的含量水平;北方地区水体PAHs含量显著高于南方水体(p<0.05).单体PAHs生态风险评价结果表明,中国地表水体Ace,Ant,Flu,Bap,Flua,Nap,Phe和Pyr的MOS10分别为5.75,0.17,2.33,0.30,0.57,1.74,1.05和0.11;Nap,Ace,Phe和Flu的暴露浓度超过影响10%的水生生物的概率分别为6.06%,2.07%,9.51%和4.82%,说明Nap,Ace,Phe和Flu的生态风险较低;BaP,Ant,Flua和Pyr的暴露浓度超过影响10%的水生生物的概率分别为19.49%,25.46%,15.15%和30.50%,说明Bap,Ant,Flua和Pyr对水生生物具有潜在的生态风险;8种单体PAHs对水生生物的生态风险大小依次为Pyr>Ant>Bap>Flua>Phe>Nap>Flu>Ace.联合生态风险评价结果表明,∑PAH8等效浓度超过影响10%的水生生物的概率为34.31%,大于任何单体PAHs对水生生物的生态风险.除海河流域,辽河流域、淮河流域、松花江流域、珠江流域、长江流域、黄河流域和淮河流域水体∑PAH8的MOS10均小于1,具有潜在生态风险;七大流域∑PAH8的生态风险从大到小依次为辽河流域(65.58%)>淮河流域(57.15%)>松花江流域(46.49%)>珠江流域(38.41%)>长江流域(25.98%)>黄河流域(15.92%)>海河流域水体(5.22%).