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作品数:2 被引量:15H指数:2


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  • 1篇航空宇航科学...


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  • 1篇2014
  • 1篇2013
2 条 记 录,以下是 1-2
Flow characteristics of hypersonic inlets with different cowl-lip blunting methods被引量:14
Under hypersonic flight conditions,the sharp cowl-lip leading edges have to be blunted because of the severe aerodynamic heating.This paper proposes four cowl-lip blunting methods and studies the corresponding flow characteristics and performances of the generic hypersonic inlets by numerical simulation under the design conditions of a flight Mach number of 6 and an altitude of 26 km.The results show that the local shock interference patterns in the vicinity of the blunted cowl-lips have a substantial influence on the flow characteristics of the hypersonic inlets even though the blunting radius is very small,which contribute to a pronounced degradation of the inlet performance.The Equal Length blunting Manner(ELM)is the most optimal in that a nearly even reflection of the ramp shock produces an approximately straight and weak cowl reflection shock.The minimal total pressure loss,the lowest cowl drag,maximum mass-capture and the minimal aeroheating are achieved for the hypersonic inlet.For the other blunting manners,the ramp shock cannot reflect evenly and produces more curved cowl reflection shock.The Type V shock interference pattern occurs for the Cross Section Cutting blunting Manner(CSCM)and the strongest cowl reflection shock gives rise to the largest flow loss and drag.The cowl-lip blunted by the other two blunting manners is subjected to the shock interference pattern that transits with an increase in the blunting radius.Accordingly,the peak heat flux does not fall monotonously with the blunting radius increasing.Moreover,the cowl-lip surface suffers from severe aerothermal load when the shear layer or the supersonic jet impinges on the wall.
Theoretical analysis of effects of boundary layer bleed on scramjet thrust被引量:3
The effects of boundary layer bleed on the scramjet thrust are studied in the present paper.A theoretical model is developed to evaluate the thrust increment and influencing factors.The thrust increment resulting from the bleed is dominated by the rise in total pressure recovery and bleed mass flow rate.The bleed mass flow rate exerts stronger impact on the engine thrust than the total pressure.According to current bleed design,it is a severe challenge for the engine to enhance its total pressure to maintain the original thrust when there is no bleeding.Furthermore,the initial total pressure recovery,fuel mass addition,combustion efficiency and area ratio of engine exit to entrance can affect the contributions of the bleeding to the thrust increment.The scramjet needs a higher rise in total pressure recovery to counteract the negative effect of bleed mass loss at higher initial total pressure recovery or larger area ratio of engine exit/entrance.More heat release results in a little lower demand on the rise in total pressure recovery for maintaining the scramjet thrust.These results will aid in understanding the fundamental mechanism of bleeding on engine thrust.
YUE LianJieXU XianKunCHANG XinYu