The activity of FetO is very important in ironmaking and steelmaking process. In order to predict the activ- ity of Fe, O and optimize the operation conditions in ironmaking and steelmaking process, by application of regular so lution model in molten slag systems, FeO-Fe2 O3-SIO2 ternary system, FeO-Fe2 O3-SiO2-CaO and FeO-Fe2 O3-SiO2-NiO quaternary systems have been studied by the chemical equilibrium between H2/H20 gas mixture and liquid slag con tained in solid iron. The values of interaction energy between cations concerning steelmaking slags have been deter- mined by application of ferric-ferrous iron equilibrium and iron-ferric iron equilibrium. And then the activity of Fe, O can be calculated. The results show that the relative error is 3.9% in FeO-Fe203-SiO2 system and 18% in FeO- Fe203-SiO2 CaO system. The prediction of activities of FetO in the systems are in good agreement with the measure- ments and the regular solution model is valid for predicting the activity of FetO in complex molten slags systems. The activity of Fe, O in FeO-Fe20a-NiO system have not been tested presently, and the calculated result can not be assessed.
HOU Yan-qing,XIE Gang,TAO Dong-ping,YU Xiao-hua,LI Rong-xing (Faculty of Metallurgical and Energy Engineering,Kunming University of Science and Technology,Kunming 650093,Yunnan,China)
By means of an electrochemical study,the influence of arsenic,antimony and cobalt on cathodic polarization in the zinc electrowinning process,the associated kinetic equations and parameters,and the polarization mechanism have been studied.The results show that the experimental values of the kinetic parameters are in accord with the theoretical values in the ZnSO4/H2SO4 solution with a single impurity is added.In contrast,the charge transfer coefficient α is smaller than the theoretical value in the ZnSO4/H2SO4 solution when the three impurities are added together.
Yu, Xiao Hua Xie, Gang Li, Rong Xing Li, Yong Gang Lu, Ying
Modified quasi-regular solution model has been available based on the sub-regular solution model and quasiregular solution model in this article. The three parameters of this model are set by the computer-aided analysis based on the experimental data of activity at two different temperatures. Seven binary molten slag systems in the whole concentration are calculated by application of the model and the average relative error is within 10%. Ten binary molten slag systems presenting saturation concentration are also calculated, but the average relative error is bigger, especially for the systems containing acidic oxide and neutral oxide. The results show that the calculated results are superior to those calculated by application of regular solution model, sub-regular solution model and quasi-regular solution model.