Studying the essence of a syndrome has been a key challenge in the field of Chinese medicine.Until now,due to limitations of the methods available,the progress towards understanding such complicated systems has been slow.Metabonomics encompasses the dynamics,composition and analysis of metabolites,enabling the observation of changes in the metabolic network of the human body associated with disease.Being from the point of view of the whole organism,metabonomics provides an opportunity to study the essence of a syndrome to an unprecedented level.Phlegm and blood stasis syndrome is the main syndrome associated with coronary heart disease(CHD),which bring difficulties in clinical treatment due to difficulties associated with differentiation of symptoms and signs.The fundamental differences of material between the two also need to be interpreted.The authors consider that we can use the method of combining a disease(in this case CHD)with associated syndromes(phlegm and blood stasis syndrome)to select patients with phlegm and blood stasis syndrome of CHD,and utilize metabonomics to explore the essence of the syndrome by difference analysis of metabolite spectra.Meanwhile,we can study the syndrome in CM,observe the change regularity of metabolism spectra after the treatment of corresponding and non-corresponding prescription and syndrome,in order to validate the material fundament in the progress of syndrome formation and their differences.This will not only have great significance in enhancing the ability to identify syndrome of phlegm and blood stasis in CHD and to establish the clinical curative criteria,but will also offer a new approach of studying the essence for a syndrome using metabonomics.
Objectives: To study the characteristics of serum metabonomics in coronary heart disease (CHD) patients diagnosed as phlegm or blood stasis pattern and explore effects of formula-pattern correspondence treatment. Methods: A total of 102 stable CHD patients were enrolled and divided into phlegm group (P group, n=52) and blood stasis group (BS group, n=50) according to pattern identification. Gualou Xiebai Banxia Decoction (瓜萎薤白半夏汤, GXBD) and Xuefu Zhuyu Decoction (血府逐瘀汤, XZD) were used as drug interventions. Relevant indicators of metabonomics were observed by ultra performance liquid chromatography mass spectrometry (UPLC-MS) and pattern recognition. Results: Levels of amino acids and phosphatidylethanolamine (PE) in the CHD group were much higher than those in healthy control group, while the levels of unsaturated fatty acids, sphingosine, Lyso, phosphatidylcholine (PC) were significantly lower (P〈0.01). Most of the differential metabolites between the CHD and the healthy groups were also common metabolites of phlegm and blood stasis. 7(Z), 10(Z)- hexadecadienoic acid and DPA were decreased in the P group and increased in the BS group. According to the quantity of retraced metabolites, improvement in metabonomics by formula-pattern correspondence was superior to that without correspondence in the BS group. Based on the varieties of metabolites, GXBD could improve the levels of docosapentaenoic acid (DPA), sphingomyelin (SM) (d34:1), and L-Lactic acid and XZD could ameliorate the levels of sphingosine and Vit E in the P group, in the BS group, GXBD could improve vitamin E level and XZD could make improvements in the levels of octadecanoic acid, phosphoglycerol, and SM (d34:1). Conclusions: Phlegm and blood stasis in CHD patients present specific differential metabolites, and share common metabolites. Remarkable differences have been displayed in pathological properties and severity of phlegm and blood stasis. Patient