针对湿法炼锌砷盐除钴过程工况变化频繁和操作参数之间具有强耦合关系,导致操作参数优化困难的问题,提出了一种基于模糊操作模式的操作参数协同优化方法.根据大量的砷盐除钴工业运行数据,提炼初始操作模式库,根据入口工况参数,采用模糊匹配方法检索出相似操作模式,在操作模式重用时综合考虑系统参数缓慢变化和资源消耗的特点,然后采用灰色模糊最小二乘支持向量机(Least squares support vector machine,LSSVM)评估操作模式重用后的操作参数的可行性,并根据评估结果采用模糊专家规则修正操作参数.在工况发生变化时,系统能自动优化设定操作参数.工业验证结果表明,本文提出的操作参数协同优化方法保证了生产稳定,可有效提高净化后溶液中钴离子浓度的合格率和降低锌粉的消耗.
Laboratory tests were carried out to study the breakage kinetics of diasporic bauxite and determine its breakage distribution function. Non-first order breakage with different deceleration rates for different size intervals is found, which is most probably caused by the heterogeneity of the ore. Piecewise linearization method is proposed to describe the non-first order breakage according to its characteristics. In the method, grinding time is divided into several intervals and breakage is assumed to be first order in each interval. So, the breakage rates are calculated by taking the product of the last interval as feed and then established as a function of particle size and grinding time. Based on the predetermined breakage rate function, the breakage distribution of the ore is back-calculated from the experimental data using the population balance model (PBM). Finally, the obtained breakage parameters are validated and the simulated data are in good agreement with the experimental data. The obtained breakage distribution and the method for breakage rate description are both significant for modeling the full scale ball milling process of bauxite.