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35 条 记 录,以下是 1-10
A Parameterized yet Accurate Model of Ozone and Water Vapor Transmittance in the Solar-to-near-infrared Spectrum被引量:1
A parameterized transmittance model (PTR) for ozone and water vapor monochromatic transmittance calculation in the solar-to-near-infrared spectrum 0.3-4 pm with a spectral resolution of 5 cm-1 was developed based on the transmittance data calculated by Moderate-resolution Transmittance model (MOD- TRAN). Polynomial equations were derived to represent the transmittance as functions of path length and airmass for every wavelength based on the least-squares method. Comparisons between the transmittances calculated using PTR and MODTRAN were made, using the results of MODTRAN as a reference. Rela- tive root-mean-square error (RMSre) was 0.823% for ozone transmittance. RMSre values were 8.84~ and 3.48~ for water vapor transmittance ranges of 1-1 x 10-is and 1-1x 10-3, respectively. In addition, the Stratospheric Aerosol and Gas Experiment II (SAGEII) ozone profiles and University of Wyoming (UWYO) water vapor profiles were applied to validate the applicability of PTR model. RMSre was 0.437~ for ozone transmittance. RMSre values were 8.89~ and 2.43% for water vapor transmittance ranges of 1-1~10-is and 1-1~ 10-6, respectively. Furthermore, the optical depth profiles calculated using the PTR model were compared to the results of MODTRAN. Absolute RMS errors (RMSab) for ozone optical depths were within 0.0055 and 0.0523 for water vapor at all of the tested altitudes. Finally, the comparison between the solar heating rate calculated from the transmittance of PTR and Line-by-Line radiative transfer model (LBLRTM) was performed, showing a maximum deviation of 0.238 K d-1 (6% of the corresponding solar heating rate calculated using LBLRTM). In the troposphere all of the deviations were within 0.08 K d-1. The computational speed of PTR model is nearly two orders of magnitude faster than that of MODTRAN.
Composition and mixing state of water soluble inorganic ions during hazy days in a background region of North China被引量:3
Knowledge of haze particles in background areas of North China is limited, although they have been studied well in urban settings. Atmospheric aerosol particles were collected at a background site in the North China Plain during 16–31 January, 2011. Water soluble inorganic ions of PM2.5 and physicochemical characteristics of individual particles on hazy and clean days were measured by Ion Chromatography(IC) and Transmission Electron Microscopy(TEM), respectively. Average PM2.5 mass concentration was 50.4±29.9 μg m?3 with 62.5±26.8 μg m?3 on hazy days and 19.9±11.5 μg m?3 on clean days. SO42?, NO3?, and NH4+ with a combined mass concentration of 19.0±11.5 μg m?3 accounted for 69.8%–89.4% of the total water soluble inorganic ions. Size distributions of SO42? and NH4+ showed one unimodal peak at 0.56–1.8 μm on hazy days, whereas NO3? appeared as bimodal peaks at 0.56–1.8 and 5.6–10 μm, respectively. Individual particle analyses showed that the dominant aerosols were a mixture of sulfate, nitrate, and carbonaceous species, which together determine their mixing states. 48-h air mass back trajectories on hazy days suggested that air masses crossed the polluted continental areas(such as Jing-jin-ji region and Shandong province) and entrained ground air pollutants 11–19 hours before reaching the background area. During long-range transport particles undergo ageing and tend to be internally mixed mainly due to condensation in the background atmosphere. Our results suggest that hygroscopic and optical properties of these aerosol particles in the background area differ substantially from those in urban areas.
LU YaLingCHI JianWeiYAO LanYANG LingXiaoLI WeiJunWANG ZiFaWANG WenXing
2013年夏季至2014年春季在中国长三角区域的临安大气本底站利用气溶胶质谱仪(AMS)对PM_1中主要化学成分质量浓度以及质量-粒度分布进行观测,发现观测期间PM_1的平均浓度约为53μg/m^3,其中有机物是最主要的成分(约占47%),其次为硫酸盐(23%)、硝酸盐(16%)、铵盐(12%)和氯化物(1.2%)。PM_1平均浓度冬季最高(84μg/m^3),秋季最低(38μg/m^3)。冬季污染时段PM_1浓度较清洁时段高24倍,其中硝酸盐浓度冬季升高最显著,这与冬季燃煤排放增加和低温有利其形成有密切联系。不同化学成分中,有机物粒度分布峰值粒径最小,硫酸盐最大。冬季各化学成分的峰值粒径在4个季节中最大(约600 nm),可能由于污染物积聚时间较长。夏季各成分峰值粒径最小(400~500 nm),且在夏季清洁时段浓度较其他季节高,局地产生的新粒子贡献可能很重要,伴随着光化学烟雾的气溶胶和臭氧污染在这些区域升高值得进一步关注。
2009年11—12月在天津市武清区实施了两次消雾外场试验。11月6—7日,利用燃烧烟条的方式播撒吸湿性焰剂对暖雾实施催化;11月30日—12月1日,利用播撒液氮的方式实施冷雾消雾试验。对两次消雾试验期间雾的微物理观测资料分析发现,雾对催化有明显响应,具体表现为:雾滴浓度先增后减且变化剧烈,液态水含量、雾滴大小等微物理特征量也发生了显著变化;催化期间雾滴谱均出现了谱宽加大的现象,催化结束后谱宽恢复至催化前状态;催化效应导致出现了处于不同发展阶段的雾滴,雾滴谱发生了单峰分布和双峰分布间的变换:催化前滴谱为单峰分布,催化期间出现双峰谱;多个短时双峰谱反复出现;首个双峰谱出现后,滴谱逐渐由单调递减向单峰、双峰转变;催化结束后,滴谱由双峰谱恢复为单峰谱。分析认为:催化后暖雾中发生成熟过程(Ripening Process),而冷雾催化后则启动了贝吉隆过程(Bergeron process)。
A Modeling Analysis of Rainfall and Water Cycle by the Cloud-resolving WRF Model over the Western North Pacific被引量:2
Simulated regional precipitation, especially extreme precipitation events, and the regional hydrologic budgets over the western North Pacific region during the period from May to June 2008 were investigated with the high-resolution (4-km grid spacing) Weather Research and Forecast (WRF v3.2.1) model with explicit cloud microphysics. The model initial and boundary conditions were derived from the National Centers for Environmental Prediction/Department of Energy (NCEP/DOE) Reanalysis 2 data. The model precipitation results were evaluated against the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) Multisatellite Precipitation Analysis 3B42 product. The results show that the WRF simulations can reason- ably reproduce the spatial distributions of daily mean precipitation and rainy days. However, the simulated frequency distributions of rainy days showed an overestimation of light precipitation, an underestimation of moderate to heavy precipitation, but a good representation of extreme precipitation. The downscaling approach was able to add value to the very heavy precipitation over the ocean since the convective processes are resolved by the high-resolution cloud-resolving model. Moreover, the water vapor budget analysis indi- cates that heavy precipitation is contributed mostly by the stronger moisture convergence; whereas, in less convective periods, the precipitation is more influenced by the surface evaporation. The simulated water vapor budgets imply the importance in the tropical monsoon region of cloud microphysics that affects the precipitation, atmospheric latent heating and, subsequently, the large-scale circulation.
本文在中国气象科学研究院(CAMS)双参数云微物理方案的基础上,增加气溶胶粒子的活化过程,改进原方案中的水汽混合比、云水混合比及云滴数浓度的预报方程,实现对各种水成物(包括云水)的混合比和数浓度的预报.此外,改进后的CAMS云方案被成功耦合到了WRF v3.1中尺度模式.本文利用耦合模式对2009年4月23~24日发生在我国北方地区的一次降水天气过程进行了模拟,将新方案的模拟结果与WRF自带的3个微物理方案进行了比较.结果显示,新方案能够合理地描述地面降水特征,其模拟的雨带分布范围与实测接近,降水中心的强度和位置优于其他3个方案.新方案模拟的云滴数浓度与WDM6方案基本一致,表明加入的气溶胶活化过程是合理的.新方案模拟的其他水成物粒子数浓度与Morrison方案相比有时会有量级的差别,说明粒子数浓度的模拟目前还存在着很大的不确定性,这也是云微物理模式进一步发展的难点.
利用太阳光度计CE-318对MODIS C5产品在西安地区的适用性进行了验证,结果表明,C5产品与太阳光度计CE-318反演的气溶胶光学厚度具有较好的一致性,相关系数为0.91,误差在预期范围内的样本占总数的74.5%,满足NASA设计要求,反演数值可用于区域气候变化和大气污染研究。同时利用2000—2010年MODIS C5气溶胶产品,分析了气溶胶光学厚度和小颗粒气溶胶对总光学厚度贡献的多年变化特征,得到:(1)沙尘粒子和人类活动产生的细粒子是关中盆地气溶胶的主要来源,气溶胶分布受地形影响显著,在特殊地形和盛行风向影响下,气溶胶粒子在边界层的水平扩散中受到抑制,并在其东部出现堆积,气溶胶光学厚度分布呈现出东高西低的趋势,高值中心主要分布在西安和渭南南部,是沙尘气溶胶和人类活动产生细粒子气溶胶的共同作用;关中西部多年处在气溶胶光学厚度的低值区,是由人类活动和工业排放产生的细粒子气溶胶所致。(2)关中不同地区气溶胶光学厚度的时间序列变化存在差异,其西部地区近10年呈波动下降趋势,中部和东部则呈波动增加趋势。(3)关中地区自西向东气溶胶光学厚度贡献中粗粒子的比重逐渐加大,近10年关中地区细粒子气溶胶污染有逐年加重的态势,其中中东部城市较为显著。
Evolution of planetary boundary layer under different weather conditions,and its impact on aerosol concentrations被引量:53
A field experiment was conducted in Tianjin, China from September 9-30, 2010, focused on the evolution of Planetary Boundary Layer (PBL) and its impact on surface air pollutants. The experiment used three remote sensing instruments, wind profile radar (WPR), microwave radiometer (MWR) and micro-pulse lidar (MPL), to detect the vertical profiles of winds, temperature, and aerosol backscattering coefficient and to measure the vertical profiles of surface pollutants (aerosol, CO, SO2, NOx), and also collected sonic anemometers data from a 255-m meteorological tower. Based on these measurements, the evolution of the PBL was estimated. The averaged PBL height was about 1000-1300 m during noon/afternoon-time, and 200-300 m during night-time. The PBL height and the aerosol concentrations were anti-correlated during clear and haze conditions. The averaged maximum PBL heights were 1.08 and 1.70 km while the averaged aerosol concentrations were 52 and 17 μg/m&3 under haze and clear sky conditions, respectively, The influence of aerosols and clouds on solar radiation was observed based on sonic anemometers data collected from the 255-m meteorological tower. The heat flux was found significantly decreased by haze (heavy pollution) or cloud, which tended to depress the development of PBL, while the repressed structure of PBL further weakened the diffusion of pollutants, leading to heavy pollution. This possible positive feedback cycle (more aerosols→lower PBL height → more aerosols) would induce an acceleration process for heavy ground pollution in megacities.
Jiannong QuanYang GaoQiang ZhangXuexi TieJunji CaoSuqin HanJunwang MengPengfei ChenDelong Zhao
Effect of aluminium dust on secondary organic aerosol formation in m-xylene/NO_x photo-oxidation被引量:2
As an important anthropogenic volatile organic compound(VOC), m-xylene has attracted numerous attentions due to its potential in secondary organic aerosol(SOA) formation. In this study, effects of aluminium dust seeds(boehmite and alumina) on SOA yield and aerosol size in m-xylene/NOx photo-oxidation were investigated in a 2 m3 smog chamber at 30°C and 50% relative humidity. Compared to the seed-free system, the presence of aluminium seeds resulted in an increase in the SOA yield, and also enhanced the O3 concentration in the chamber. The photolysis of O3 is a major source of OH radical, which is the most important oxidant of m-xylene. The increase in O3 concentration could result in the generation of more OH radicals, and finally contribute to the SOA formation. Seed particles influence the SOA size mainly by acting as condensation nuclei. Semi-volatile organic compounds(SVOCs) were condensed onto these nuclei, resulting in the increase in SOA size. However, when aluminium seeds with high concentrations were introduced into the system, SVOCs that had been condensed onto each particle were dispersed by these seeds, leading to the reduction in aerosol size.
LIU ChangMA QingXinCHU BiWuLIU YongChunHE HongZHANG XiaoYeLI JunHuaHAO JiMing
为获得中国不同区域大气气溶胶化学组成的总体"图景",进一步探讨污染治理方向,需要分区域评估其化学成分浓度水平、组成与来源特征。通过对近地层中国内陆大气气溶胶中6种主要化学成分(硫酸盐、硝酸盐、铵、有机碳、黑碳和矿物气溶胶)至少有1 a观测研究的评估分析,获得不同区域气溶胶化学成分质量浓度水平与组成的评估结果,认识到在气溶胶污染最严重的4大区域(即北京以南的华北与关中平原区域、以长三角为主体的华东区域、以珠三角为主体的华南区域以及四川盆地)的PM_(10)中矿物气溶胶(所占比例在20%38%)、硫酸盐(14%-24%)、有机碳(11%-18%)是3个主要组分;其中华北与关中平原气溶胶污染在中国最重,硫酸盐浓度在35—47μg/m^3(远高于北京(13—18μg/m^3))、有机碳28—45μg/m^3(约是北京(19—22μg/n^3)的1.8倍)、硝酸盐19—22μg/m^3(约是北京(9.9—12μg/m^3)的2倍)、铵14—16μg/m^3(仍然比北京(6.2-8.4μg/m^3)高1倍),黑碳在北京和北京以南城市的浓度差别不大(9.1—12μg/m^3)。这其中燃煤对硝酸盐和有机碳气溶胶的贡献超过50%,农业活动是铵的最重要来源。华东、华南和东北城市区域气溶胶化学成分浓度水平与北京相近,但四川盆地城市站各组分浓度均高于北京,污染较重。西北兰州城市站,除了黑碳浓度低很多、硝酸盐浓度稍高外,其他气溶胶化学成分浓度水平与北京相当。西北偏远区域沙漠站点,各种气溶胶化学成分的浓度都要远低于北京。青藏高原和云贵高原城市站气溶胶化学成分浓度与北京相比也明显偏低。不同区域气溶胶化学组成分析显示,燃煤、机动车、城市逸散性粉尘和农业活动是4个最需要关注的污染源,加强除发电行业外的燃煤脱硫,进一步消减燃煤氮氧化物、一次有机碳和挥发性有机物排放,并有效减少农业活动排放到大气中的氨,更有效限制硫酸