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11 条 记 录,以下是 1-10
交流伺服系统在工业控制领域得到了广泛应用,但在天文领域的应用仍处于初级阶段。以中法合作天文卫星(Space multi-band Variable Object Monitor,SVOM)的地面观测设备地基广角相机阵(Ground-based Wide-Angle Camera,GWAC)为研究平台,研究了交流伺服系统应用于望远镜转台控制的可行性。测试了望远镜的跟踪速度控制精度、赤经跟踪精度、最大角速度、最大角加速度、重复指向精度等关键技术指标。测试结果表明,和步进电机系统相比,交流伺服系统在低速控制上具有同样高的精度。在高速控制领域,其调速范围更宽,速度调节更快,运行更平稳,具有明显的优势。另外,还具有低噪声、大转矩、高性价比等优点。实验中还测定了交流伺服系统对Apogee CCD U9000x的干扰,结果表明,交流伺服系统对CCD的干扰很小,在可接受的范围内。总之,交流伺服系统完全可用于中小型天文望远镜的转台控制,特别适用于快速转动和指向的系统。
天文望远镜为大型高精密仪器,对望远镜的控制系统性能提出了极高的要求。作为控制系统的核心器件,伺服控制器的性能决定了控制系统的性能。介绍了一种基于PMAC(Programmable Multi Axes Controller)控制器的天文望远镜控制系统,研究了PMAC伺服控制原理、PID参数整定方法及基于PMAC的天文望远镜运动控制系统基本原理,并以此为基础设计了天文望远镜伺服控制系统软、硬件体系。基于PMAC的天文望远镜控制系统主要特点在于,伺服系统采用了传统的PID反馈控制算法和前馈控制算法相结合的组合控制算法,有效地克服了外界扰动对望远镜控制过程的影响,获得了较好的动、静态性能;同时,针对望远镜不同的轴系传动方式,如直驱方式和齿轮传动方式,应用不同的PID参数整定方法,如阶跃整定法和基于速度测量+阶跃整定相结合的参数整定方法,可分别使系统获得较为理想的PID控制参数;另外,基于PMAC的天文望远镜控制系统,对于不同的驱动电机和不同的轴角测量元件,均具有较好的适应性。该系统已在国家天文台2.16 m天文望远镜上得到了应用,该项应用中,采用了"IPC+PMAC"的双CPU分级控制方式,并以VC++为软件平台,通过对于PMAC Pcomm32底层接口函数的调用,实现了基于工控机的望远镜界面操作和控制,同时,以PID反馈控制算法和前馈控制算法为基础,采用了PID参数自适应控制算法,保证了望远镜高速的运行平稳性,也实现了低速精确性和快速性的控制要求。技术研究和运行实践表明,基于PMAC的望远镜控制系统具有较高的控制精度和良好的通用性,可广泛应用在不同类型的天文望远镜系统。
地基广角相机阵(Ground-based Wide Angle Cameras,简称GWAC)是中法合作SVOM(Space Variable Objects Monitor,空间多波段变源监视器)天文卫星的地基观测设备,Mini-GWAC是其预研和补充设备.针对Mini-GWAC望远镜阵列,介绍了一种基于无线触屏平台进行操控的阵列式望远镜控制系统的设计与实现.从控制系统原理、系统硬件结构、软件设计、实验和测试等方面展开,详细叙述了该系统的开发及实现过程.该系统以基于Win CE系统的触控一体机为上位机,无线收发模块和可编程逻辑控制器(PLC)为核心,具有低成本、数据传输可靠、操作简单等优点,并较好地实现了在Mini-GWAC阵列式望远镜上的应用.
The mini-GWAC optical follow-up of gravitational wave alerts – results from the O2 campaign and prospects for the upcoming O3 run被引量:1
The second(O2)observational campaign of gravitational waves(GWs)organized by the LIGO/Virgo Collaborations has led to several breakthroughs such as the detection of GW signals from merger systems involving black holes or neutrons stars.During O2,14 GW alerts were sent to the astronomical community with sky regions mostly covering over hundreds of square degrees.Among them,six were finally confirmed as real astrophysical events.Since 2013,a new set of ground-based robotic telescopes called Ground-based Wide Angle Camera system(GWAC)project and its pathfinder mini-GWAC has been developed to contribute to the various challenges of multi-messenger and time domain astronomy.The GWAC system is built up in the framework of the ground-segment system of the SVOM mission that will be devoted to the study of the multi-wavelength transient sky in the next decade.During O2,only the mini-GWAC telescope network was fully operational.Due to the wide field of view and fast automatic follow-up capabilities of the mini-GWAC telescopes,they were adept to efficiently cover the sky localization areas of GW event candidates.In this paper,we present the mini-GWAC pipeline we have set up to respond to GW alerts and we report our optical follow-up observations of eight GW alerts detected during the O2 run.Our observations provided the largest coverage of the GW localization areas with a short latency made by any optical facility.We found tens of optical transient candidates in our images,but none of those could be securely associated with any confirmed black hole-black hole merger event.Based on this first experience and the near future technical improvements of our network system,we will be more competitive in detecting the optical counterparts from some GW events that will be identified during the upcoming O3 run,especially those emerging from binary neutron star mergers.
Damien TurpinChao WuXu-Hui HanLi-Ping XinSarah AntierNicolas LeroyLi CaoHong-Bo CaiBertrand CordierJin-Song DengWen-Long DongQi-Chen FengLei HuangLei JiaAlain KlotzCyril LachaudHua-Li LiEn-Wei LiangShun-Fang LiuXiao-Meng LuXian-Min MengYu-Lei QiuHui-Juan WangJing WangShen WangXiang-Gao WangJian-Yan WeiBo-Bing WuYu-Jie XiaoDa-Wei XuYang XuYuan-Gui YangPin-Pin ZhangRuo-Song ZhangShuang-Nan ZhangYa-Tong ZhengandSi-Cheng Zou
我国的大视场光学瞬变源巡天设备地基广角相机阵每2.5 min机器初步筛选出近千个瞬变源候选体,这些瞬变源候选体可能为超新星、变星、移动天体或者是噪声等。为进一步对瞬变源候选体进行管理和详细地筛选与认证,提出了基于网络开发框架的Django平台实现后台数据库管理和前端网页交互展示功能的光学瞬变源认证系统的设计方案。通过研究,本方案主要具备对瞬变源候选体的管理;光变曲线处理与展示;与已知多个类型天体星表的交叉进行分类;同时提供人机交互的人工认证界面接口等功能。得益于Django框架的优秀特性,系统无需额外的开发,即可提供良好的命令方式交互接口,方便科学家通过Django的接口对数据库进行面向对象的操作。通过将系统应用于我国已建成的迷你地基广角相机阵的观测数据测试,结果表明系统能将瞬变源候选体进行正确的分类与认证,为科学家对瞬变源候选体的后期认证提供了丰富的信息和方便实用的操作工具。同时,系统对于其它类似的瞬变源巡天项目也具有同样的实用意义。
Optical light curve of GRB 121011A:a textbook for the onset of GRB afterglow in a mixture of ISM and wind-type medium
We report the optical observations of GRB 121011 A by the 0.8m TNT facility at Xinglong observatory, China. The light curve of the optical afterglow shows a smooth and featureless bump during the epoch of;30 s and;000 s with a rising index of 1.57 ± 0.28 before the break time of 539 ± 44 s, and a decaying index of about 1.29 ± 0.07 up to the end of our observations. Moreover, the X-ray light curve decays in a single power-law with a slope of about 1.51 ± 0.03 observed by XRT onboard Swift from 100 s to about 10 000 s after the burst trigger. The featureless optical light curve could be understood as an onset process under the external-shock model. The typical frequency has been below or near the optical one before the deceleration time, and the cooling frequency is located between the optical and X-ray wavelengths. The external medium density has a transition from a mixed stage of ISM and wind-type medium before the peak time to the ISM at the later phase. The joint-analysis of X-ray and optical light curves shows that the emissions from both frequencies are consistent with the prediction of the standard afterglow model without any energy injections, indicating that the central engine has stopped its activity and does not restart anymore after the prompt phase.
Li-Ping XinJian-Yan WeiYu-Lei QiuJin-Song DengJing WangXu-Hui Han
相关器在射电天文中具有重要作用。以往的相关器多采用现场可编程门阵列(Field-Programmable Gate Array,FPGA)或者特定用途集成电路(Application Specific Integrated Circuit,ASIC)技术,开发周期长,不便扩展和改进升级。近年来许多新研制的射电干涉阵相关器采用具有通用架构的现场可编程门阵列和图形处理器的相关器。针对暗能量射电探测实验(天籁计划)的需求,开发了一套基于可重构开放架构计算硬件(Reconfigurable Open Architecture Computing Hardware,ROACH2)和图形处理器的异构相关器,将相关器的数据采集、快速傅里叶变换(Fast Fourier Transform,FFT)等功能与复数乘累加运算功能分开,充分利用了现场可编程门阵列的硬件资源和图形处理器的运算速度。该相关器易于扩展,且运算负载可根据实际运算能力进行不同节点的分配,非常灵活。目前已经应用到天籁计划项目中。
Peculiar in-plane velocities in the outer disc of the Milky Way被引量:1
We present the peculiar in-plane velocities derived from LAMOST red clump stars, which are purified and separated by a novel approach into two groups with different ages. The samples are mostly contributed around the Galactic anti-center direction so that we are able to map the radial profiles of the radial and azimuthal velocities in the outer disc. From variations of the in-plane velocities with Galactocentric radius for the younger and older populations, we find that both radial and azimuthal velocities are not axisymmetric at 8 〈 R 〈 14 kpc. The two red clump populations show that the mean radial velocity is negative within R - 9 kpc and positive beyond. This is likely because of the perturbation induced by the rotating bar. The cross-zero radius, R -9 kpc, essentially indicates the rough location of the Outer Lindblad Resonance radius. Given the circular speed of 238 km s^-1, the pattern speed of the bar can be approximated as 45 km s^-1 kpc^-1. The young red clump stars show larger mean radial velocity than the old population by about 3km s^-1 between R-9 and 12kpc. This is possibly because the younger population is more sensitive to the perturbation than the older one. The radial profiles of the mean azimuthal velocity for the two populations show an interesting U-shape, i.e. at R 〈 10.Skpc, the azimuthal velocity declines with R by about 10km s^-1, while at R 〉 10.5 kpc it increases with R to 240 - 245 km s^-1. It is not clear why the mean azimuthal velocity shows this U-shape along the Galactic anti-center direction. Moreover, the azimuthal velocity for the younger population is slightly larger than that for the older one and the difference moderately declines with R. Beyond R0-12 kpc, the azimuthal velocities for the two populations are indistinguishable.
Hai-Jun TianChao LiuJun-Chen WanYou-Gang WangQiao WangLi-Cai DengZi-Huang CaoYong-Hui HouYue-Fei WangYue WuYong-Heng Zhao