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作品数:8 被引量:4H指数:1


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  • 3篇2014
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8 条 记 录,以下是 1-10
Investigation of Different Interface Passivation on Germanium:RTO-GeO2 and Nitrogen-Plasma-Passivation
Ge p-MOSFETs with two kinds of passivation methods,RTO-GeO2 interfacial layer and nitrogen-plasma-passivation,...
Quanxin YunMeng LinXia AnMing LiZhiqiang LiMin LiXing ZhangRu Huang
High-Gate-Injection Tunneling Field Effect Transistor for Flash Memory Applications
In this paper,a tunneling filed effect transistor(TFET) based flash memory with high-gate injection efficiency...
Huiwei WuShiqiang QinYimao CaiQianqian HuangRu Huang
Study on Schottky Barrier Modulation of NiGe/Ge by Ion-implantation after Germanidation Technique
In this letter,the As + implantation after Germanidation technique is comprehensively studied to modulate the ...
Zhiqiang LiXia AnMin LiQuanxin YunMeng LinMing LiXing ZhangRu Huang
Heavy-Ion-Induced Permanent Damage in Ultra-deep Submicron Fully Depleted SOI Devices
In this paper,heavy-ion-induced permanent damage in fully depleted silicon-on-insulator(FD SOI) devices are in...
Fei TanXia AnLiangxi HuangXing ZhangRu Huang
A SPICE model for a phase-change memory cell based on the analytical conductivity model
By way of periphery circuit design of the phase-change memory,it is necessary to present an accurate compact model of a phase-change memory cell for the circuit simulation.Compared with the present model,the model presented in this work includes an analytical conductivity model,which is deduced by means of the carrier transport theory instead of the fitting model based on the measurement.In addition,this model includes an analytical temperature model based on the 1D heat-transfer equation and the phase-transition dynamic model based on the JMA equation to simulate the phase-change process.The above models for phase-change memory are integrated by using Verilog-A language,and results show that this model is able to simulate theⅠ-Ⅴcharacteristics and the programming characteristics accurately.
Vertical assembly of carbon nanotubes for via interconnects被引量:1
The via interconnects are key components in ultra-large scale integrated circuits (ULSI). This paper deals with a new method to create single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWNTs) via interconnects using alternating dielectrophoresis (DEP). Carbon nanotubes are vertically assembled in the microscale via-holes successfully at room temperature under ambient condition. The electrical evaluation of the SWNT vias reveals that our DEP assembly technique is highly reliable and the success rate of assembly can be as high as 90%. We also propose and test possible approaches to reducing the contact resistance between CNT vias and metal electrodes.
Impact of nitrogen plasma passivation on the interface of germanium MOS capacitor
Nitrogen plasma passivation (NPP) on (111) germanium (Ge) was studied in terms of the interface trap density, roughness, and interfacial layer thickness using plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PECVD). The results show that NPP not only reduces the interface states, but also improves the surface roughness of Ge, which is beneficial for suppressing the channel scattering at both low and high field regions of Ge MOSFETs. However, the interracial layer thickness is also increased by the NPP treatment, which will impact the equivalent oxide thickness (EOT) scaling and thus degrade the device performance gain from the improvement of the surface morphology and the interface passivation. To obtain better device performance of Ge MOSFETs, suppressing the interfacial layer regrowth as well as a trade-off with reducing the interface states and roughness should be considered carefully when using the NPP process.
Experimental clarification of orientation dependence of germanium PMOSFETs with Al_2O_3/GeO_x/Ge gate stack
An extensive and complete experimental investigation with a full layout design of the channel direction was carried out for the first time to clarify the orientation dependence of germanium p-channel metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect transistors (PMOSFETs). By comparison of gate trans-conductance, drive current, and hole mobility, we found that the performance trend with the substrate orientation for Ge PMOSFET is (110)〉(111) ~ (100), and the best channel direction is (110)/[110]. Moreover, the (110) device performance was found to be easily degraded as the channel direction got off from the [ 110] orientation, while (100) and (111) devices exhibited less channel orientation dependence. This experimental result shows good matching with the simulation reports to give a credible and significant guidance for Ge PMOSFET design.
Reactive Ion Etching of Germanium Using SF6/CHF3/He gas mixture
The effect of CHF3 gas flow rate on the trench shape and etch rate was studied for germanium-based device fabr...
Min LiMeng LinQuanxin YunZhiqiang LiXia AnMing LiXing ZhangRu Huang
Impact of the displacement damage in channel and source/drain regions on the DC characteristics degradation in deep-submicron MOSFETs after heavy ion irradiation被引量:1
This paper mainly reports the permanent impact of displacement damage induced by heavy-ion strikes on the deepsubmicron MOSFETs. Upon the heavy ion track through the device, it can lead to displacement damage, including the vacancies and the interstitials. As the featured size of device scales down, the damage can change the dopant distribution in the channel and source/drain regions through the generation of radiation-induced defects and thus have significant impacts on their electrical characteristics. The measured results show that the radiation-induced damage can cause DC characteristics degradations including the threshold voltage, subthreshold swing, saturation drain current, transconductanee, etc. The radiation-induced displacement damage may become the dominant issue while it was the secondary concern for the traditional devices after the heavy ion irradiation. The samples are also irradiated by Co- 60 gamma ray for comparison with the heavy ion irradiation results. Corresponding explanations and analysis are discussed.