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46 条 记 录,以下是 1-10
不同强度El Nio的衰减过程.Ⅰ,强El Nio的衰减过程被引量:12
将1951~2004年期间的12次El Nio事件分为强、中等、较弱和弱4类,结果发现,强和较弱El Nio衰减进入La Nia,但是中等和弱El Nio衰减进入平常态.因此,El Nio的衰减结果与自身强度之间存在密切的非线性关系.进一步的研究表明,负异常信号自西太平洋向中东太平洋的东传主导了强El Nio事件向La Nia的转变过程,其具体动力过程类似于西太平洋振子理论.热带西北太平洋(WNP)大气异常反气旋在强El Nio位相转变中起核心作用,它的维持和缓慢东移是赤道东风异常维持和发展的原因,而后者通过激发Kelvin波导致了ENSO从El Nio向 La Nia的转变.
Reduced finite difference scheme and error estimates based on POD method for non-stationary Stokes equation
The proper orthogonal decomposition (POD) is a model reduction technique for the simulation Of physical processes governed by partial differential equations (e.g., fluid flows). It has been successfully used in the reduced-order modeling of complex systems. In this paper, the applications of the POD method are extended, i.e., the POD method is applied to a classical finite difference (FD) scheme for the non-stationary Stokes equation with a real practical applied background. A reduced FD scheme is established with lower dimensions and sufficiently high accuracy, and the error estimates are provided between the reduced and the classical FD solutions. Some numerical examples illustrate that the numerical results are consistent with theoretical conclusions. Moreover, it is shown that the reduced FD scheme based on the POD method is feasible and efficient in solving the FD scheme for the non-stationary Stokes equation.
The Vertical Structures of Atmospheric Temperature Anomalies Associated with El Nio Simulated by the LASG/IAPAGCM: Sensitivity to Convection Schemes被引量:6
The vertical structures of atmospheric temperature anomalies associated with El Nio are simulated with a spectrum atmospheric general circulation model developed by LASG/IAP (SAMIL). Sensitivity of the model’s response to convection scheme is discussed. Two convection schemes, i.e., the revised Zhang and Macfarlane (RZM) and Tiedtke (TDK) convection schemes, are employed in two sets of AMIP-type (Atmospheric Model Intercomparison Project) SAMIL simulations, respectively. Despite some deficiencies in the upper troposphere, the canonical El Nio-related temperature anomalies characterized by a prevailing warming throughout the tropical troposphere are well reproduced in both simulations. The performance of the model in reproducing temperature anomalies in "atypical" El Nio events is sensitive to the convection scheme. When employing the RZM scheme, the warming center over the central-eastern tropical Pacific and the strong cooling in the western tropical Pacific at sea surface level are underestimated. The quadru-pole temperature anomalies in the middle and upper troposphere are also obscured. The result of employing the TDK scheme resembles the reanalysis and hence shows a better performance. The simulated largescale circulations associated with atypical El Nio events are also sensitive to the convection schemes. When employing the RZM scheme, SAMIL failed in capturing the classical Southern Oscillation pattern. In accordance with the unrealistic anomalous Walker circulation and the upper tropospheric zonal wind changes, the deficiencies of the precipitation simulation are also evident. These results demonstrate the importance of convection schemes in simulating the vertical structure of atmospheric temperature anomalies associated with El Nio and should serve as a useful reference for future improvement of SAMIL.
Evaluation of an ocean data assimilation system for Chinese marginal seas with a focus on the South China Sea
Data assimilation is a powerful tool to improve ocean forecasting by reducing uncertainties in forecast initial conditions.Recently,an ocean data assimilation system based on the ensemble optimal interpolation(EnOI) scheme and HYbrid Coordinate Ocean Model(HYCOM) for marginal seas around China was developed.This system can assimilate both satellite observations of sea surface temperature(SST) and along-track sea level anomaly(SLA) data.The purpose of this study was to evaluate the performance of the system.Two experiments were performed,which spanned a 3-year period from January 1,2004 to December 30,2006,with and without data assimilation.The data assimilation results were promising,with a positive impact on the modeled fields.The SST and SLA were clearly improved in terms of bias and root mean square error over the whole domain.In addition,the assimilations provided improvements in some regions to the surface field where mesoscale processes are not well simulated by the model.Comparisons with surface drifter trajectories showed that assimilated SST and SLA also better represent surface currents,with drifter trajectories fitting better to the contours of SLA field than that without assimilation.The forecasting capacity of this assimilation system was also evaluated through a case study of a birth-and-death process of an anticyclone eddy in the Northern South China Sea(NSCS),in which the anticyclone eddy was successfully hindcasted by the assimilation system.This study suggests the data assimilation system gives reasonable descriptions of the near-surface ocean state and can be applied to forecast mesoscale ocean processes in the marginal seas around China.
从描述南、北半球间大气经向质量传输的角度入手,考察IPCC第4次评估报告提供的8个AMIP大气环流模式对越赤道质量通量输送的模拟性能。结果表明:NCAR、MPI和UKMO模式模拟出的越赤道整层大气质量通量与观测大体相一致;MIROC3模拟的整层大气质量通量年循环与观测结果相去甚远,尤其在夏季模拟出较强的虚假向北大气质量输送;IAP模拟的整层大气质量通量年循环方向与观测结果在7个月份中相反;把垂直大气分为4层,各模式对700 hPa以下(I_1)和300—70 hPa(I_3)两层质量通量的模拟能力普遍较好;对700—300 hPa层(I_2)质量通量模拟结果偏差较大;除MIROC3外,其余模式基本能够模拟出70—10 hPa(I_4)大气质量通量的季节变化。显然,不仅南、北半球间大气存在质量交换,越过其他纬度同样存在着经向大气质量输送,无论冬季、夏季还是年平均,各模式对越过其他纬度(60°S—60°N)经向大气质量输送的模拟结果与观测差异明显。整体权衡,UKMO_HADGEM1在模拟越赤道大气质量通量方面表现突出,MPI_ECHAM5模式优势较明显;NCAR、GISS和GFDL 3个模式在某些压力层内具有较好的模拟水平;MIROC模式对整层、700—300 hPa层的模拟能力较低,而对700 hPa以下层和300—70 hPa层的模拟水平较高;IAP_FGCALS和CNRM模式在模拟越赤道大气质量通量方面存在一定的不足。
A Quick Report on a Dynamical Downscaling Simulation over China Using the Nested Model被引量:63
This paper describes a dynamical downscaling simulation over China using the nested model system,which consists of the modified Weather Research and Forecasting Model(WRF)nested with the NCAR Community Atmosphere Model(CAM).Results show that dynamical downscaling is of great value in improving the model simulation of regional climatic characteristics.WRF simulates regional detailed temperature features better than CAM.With the spatial correlation coefficient between the observation and the simulation increasing from 0.54 for CAM to 0.79 for WRF,the improvement in precipitation simulation is more perceptible with WRF.Furthermore,the WRF simulation corrects the spatial bias of the precipitation in the CAM simulation.
YU En-TaoWANG Hui-JunSUN Jian-Qi
基于IPCC A1B情景的中国未来气候变化预估:多模式集合结果及其不确定性被引量:69
不同强度El Nino的衰减过程.Ⅱ,中等和较弱El Nino的衰减过程被引量:10
在第二部分,我们研究了中等和较弱El Ni(?)o的衰减过程.结果表明,对中等El Ni(?)o而言,在其发展阶段和盛期,负异常信号在西太平洋产生,但由于强度不足,在El Ni(?)o盛期之后迅速衰减,这是一种夭折的类西太平洋振子过程.因此,与强El Ni(?)o不同,中等El Ni(?)o衰减进入平常态.而较弱El Ni(?)o以截然不同的另一种方式进行位相转换,伴随东南太平洋副高的加强和西移,东风异常和海表温度负异常自赤道东太平洋向西扩展,这是一种平流模态过程,导致较弱El Ni(?)o衰减进入La Ni(?)a.
Application of the Conditional Nonlinear Optimal Perturbation Method to the Predictability Study of the Kuroshio Large Meander被引量:25
A reduced-gravity barotropic shallow-water model was used to simulate the Kuroshio path variations. The results show that the model was able to capture the essential features of these path variations. We used one simulation of the model as the reference state and investigated the effects of errors in model parameters on the prediction of the transition to the Kuroshio large meander (KLM) state using the conditional nonlinear optimal parameter perturbation (CNOP-P) method. Because of their relatively large uncertainties, three model parameters were considered: the interracial friction coefficient, the wind-stress amplitude, and the lateral friction coefficient. We determined the CNOP-Ps optimized for each of these three parameters independently, and we optimized all three parameters simultaneously using the Spectral Projected Gradient 2 (SPG2) algorithm. Similarly, the impacts caused by errors in initial conditions were examined using the conditional nonlinear optimal initial perturbation (CNOP-I) method. Both the CNOP-I and CNOP-Ps can result in significant prediction errors of the KLM over a lead time of 240 days. But the prediction error caused by CNOP-I is greater than that caused by CNOP-P. The results of this study indicate not only that initial condition errors have greater effects on the prediction of the KLM than errors in model parameters but also that the latter cannot be ignored. Hence, to enhance the forecast skill of the KLM in this model, the initial conditions should first be improved, the model parameters should use the best possible estimates.