1 Introduction Although partial differential equations that govern the motion of solitons are nonlinear, many of them can be put into the bilinear form. Hirota, in 1971, developed an ingenious method to obtain exact solutions to nonlinear partial differential equations in the soliton theory, such as the KdV equation, the Boussinesq equation and the KP equation (see [1-2]).
For the planar Z2-equivariant cubic systems having twoelementary focuses, the characterization of a bi-center problem and shortened expressions of the first six Liapunov constants are completely discussed. The necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of the bi-center are obtained. All possible first integrals are given. Under small Z2-equivariant cubic perturbations, the conclusion that there exist at most 12 small-amplitude limit cycles with the scheme (6 II 6) is proved.
A dynamic model of schistosoma japonicum transmission is presented that incorporates effects of the prepatent periods of the different stages of schistosoma into Baxbour's model. The model consists of four delay differential equations. Stability of the disease free equilibrium and the existence of an endemic equilibrium for this model are stated in terms of a key threshold parameter. The study of dynamics for the model shows that the endemic equilibrium is globally stable in an open region if it exists and there is no delays, and for some nonzero delays the endemic equilibrium undergoes Hopf bifurcation and a periodic orbit emerges. Some numerical results are provided to support the theoretic results in this paper. These results suggest that prepatent periods in infection affect the prevalence of schistosomiasis, and it is an effective strategy on schistosomiasis control to lengthen in prepatent period on infected definitive hosts by drug treatment (or lengthen in prepatent period on infected intermediate snails by lower water temperature).