In deep underground mining, the surrounding rocks are very soft with high stress. Their deformation and destruction are serious, and frequent failures occur on the bolt support. The failure mechanism of bolt support is proposed to solve these problems. A calculation theory is established on the bond strength of the interface between the anchoring agent and surrounding rocks. An analysis is made on the influence law of different mechanical parameters of surrounding rocks on the interfacial bond strength. Based on the research, a new high-strength bolt-grouting technology is developed and applied on site. Besides, some helpful engineering suggestions and measures are proposed. The research shows that the serious deformation and failure, and the lower bond strength are the major factors causing frequent failures of bolt support. So, the bolt could not give full play to its supporting potential. It is also shown that as the integrity, strength, interface dilatancy and stress of surrounding rocks are improved, the bond strength will increase. So, the anchoring force on surrounding rocks can be effectively improved by employing an anchoring agent with high sand content, mechanical anchoring means, or grouting reinforcement. The new technology has advantages in a high strength, imposing pre-tightening force, and giving full play to the bolt supporting potential. Hence, it can improve the control effect on surrounding rocks. All these could be helpful references for the design of bolt support in deep underground mines.
针对现有支护材料及工艺难以适用于深部软岩巷道大变形的支护难题,在理论分析、室内试验的基础上研发了新型高预应力锚索及其配套工艺,该新型锚索可施加初始预应力达70~100 k N,杆体延伸率10%~12%,可有效阻止开挖后围岩的快速变形,保持围岩的整体性和稳定性,并具有成本低、强度高、不易松动等优点;依据典型深部软岩巷道围岩变形特征及破坏机制,提出了以新型高预应力锚索和注浆锚杆为核心的联合控制技术,即支护初期采用以新型高预应力锚索为主,金属网、混凝土喷层为辅的柔性支护;后期进行全断面注浆,内外结合,从根本上提高支护强度。经现场试验证明,该技术能有效提高锚索受力状态,降低围岩变形速率,缩短围岩变形时间,围岩最终变形量只为原支护方案的30%左右,锚索平均受力提高了近4.7倍,取得了良好的支护效果,具有重要的推广应用价值。